RA NA Speaker, the Chairman of the Armenian State University of Economics Hovik Abrahamyan Takes Part at the Council Sitting of the Higher Educational Institution
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On April 26 RA National Assembly Speaker, the Chairman of the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) Hovik Abrahamyan took part at the University Council sitting, which attended 30 members from 32 and the Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan .

The ASUE Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan said that the only agenda issue of the sitting is the election of the ASUE Rector. One candidate applied to the Administration Department of the personnel of RA Ministry of Education and Science to take part in the context of the vacant post of the Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics state non-commercial organization – acting Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics, Doctor of Economics, professor Koryun Atoyan.

In his word the acting Rector presented the conceptual provisions of the development of the Armenian State University of Economics, then exchange of opinions was held.

At the proposal of the NA Speaker, Chairman of the ASUE Council Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan it was decided to hold the election by secret ballot. The 30 members of the ASUE Council with 28 for, 1 abstained (1 ballot paper was recognized invalid) elected Koryun Atoyan Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics.

The ASUE Council Chairman Hovik Abrahamyan on behalf of all those present congratulated the newly elected Rector and wished successes, new achievements and productive work. Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the ASUE former Rector, RA NAS Academician Yuri Suvaryan for his effective work in that post, expressing willingness to use his advice in the administration process of the University. Congratulating the newly elected Rector and thanking for evaluating his work Yuri Suvaryan noted that during that whole period he always felt Hovik Abrahamyan’s support in providing development and progress in the University.

Giving his speech ASUE newly elected Rector Koryun Atoyan thanked for the displayed trust and promised to do his best for continuing good traditions formed in the University and carrying on the started reforms. Covering the agenda the Armenian State University of Economics Council sitting ended its works.

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