RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan Takes Part at the Opening Ceremony of Artashat Child Development and Rehabilitation Center
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On May 6 in the city of Artashat RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan took part at the opening ceremony of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center of Arabkir Institue of Children’s and Teenagers’ Medical Complex. The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Health, Maternity and Childhood Ara Babloyan, Minister of Health Harutiun Kushkyan, deputies, Head of Ararat Marz Edik Barseghyan,, Mayor of Artashat Gagik Muradyan attended the event.

Congratulating those present on the opening of the center the Health Minister Harutiun Kushkyan highlighted its importance for the solution of the problems of the children’s health of the region. Noting that the creation of the similar centers is a complicated process and needs assistance, he thanked Hovik Abrahamyan for his direct support.

The Committee Chairman said that among the functioning centers of the marzes Artashat Child Development and Rehabilitation Center is the seventh, however it is special as it consists of the center and the kindergarten. The children, who will come for treatment in the center, can also visit the kindergarten. Ara Babloyan thanked Hovik Abrahamyan for assisting at large in creating the center, as well as Julieta Abrahamyan, who occupies her honourable place among the sponsors of the center. He noted that the local and international efforts are included in the creation of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center in the name of all sponsors.

The Chairman of the Armenian Social Investments Fund Ashot Kirakosyan noted that last year they visited the kindergarten with the NA Speaker, where the center is deployed now, Hovik Abrahamyan assigned to repair it, which has been implemented. The Chairman of Fund said that the process would be continued by the NA Speaker’s assignment and promised to repair two more kindergartens.

The wife of RA National Assembly Speaker Julieta Abrahamyan and the director of the center cut the red ribbon of the entrance, after that the NA Speaker walked in the medical part of the center and the kindergarten. Hovik Abrahamyan got acquainted with the conditions created for children, talked to them, and they welcomed the NA Speaker and other guests with singing and dancing. The director of the kindergarten thanked Hovik Abrahamyan for the support shown in the restoration of the building. At the moment about 100 children attend the kindergarten.

Artashat Child Development and Rehabilitation Center will provide medical rehabilitation services and specialized care to the children with physical, mental, listening, speech, communication, development and other problems. The Center is added with special furniture, necessary equipment and property in order to provide the children’s rehabilitation treatment. All employees of the center are residents of Ararat Marz, who had training in Yerevan ArBeS Medical Center.

We’ll note that about 80mln drams has been spent for the reconstruction and furnishing the center.

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