RA NA Speaker Congratulates Charles Aznavour

“Dear Charles Aznavour,

In the name of the National Assembly and personally me I heartily congratulate you on your 87th birth anniversary.

Your unique song and performing peculiar style, as an exceptional part of the world culture, admired and now is admiring millions of listeners in France and Armenia, in different parts of the world.

Your art is close to heart for people of different nationalities and generations.

Your magic voice with its warmth and sincerity through decades enters into people’s souls and gives boundless energy. In Armenia there is special attitude towards you not only among the fans of art, but also in the society as a brilliant comparison of a cultural man and human culture, as a dignified Armenian and national figure, as at the same time a bearer of Armenian world culture.

Dear Maestro, congratulating again on the occasion of your birthday, I wish you good health, longevity, limitless inspiration and creative fervour.”