Press Conference in the National Assembly
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At May 23 press conference the NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan and the member of the Armenian delegation in the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth Independent States (CIS) Member Countries presented details about the works of 3 permanent commissions, IPA CIS Council, CSTO PA Permanent Commission, CSTO PA Council and IPA CIS 36th plenary session, which took place in Tavrichesky Palace of St. Petersburg on May 15-17.

The NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan said that the delegation led by him in Tavrichesky Palace took part at the sessions of Political Issues and International Cooperation, Social Policy and Human Rights, Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology commissions of IPA CIS. Edward Sharmazanov was elected Deputy Chairman of Political Issues and International Cooperation Commission of CSTO PA. At CSTO PA Council session 11 issues have been discussed on harmonization of legislation of CSTO member states in CSTO PA activity programme in 2011-2015, results of legal-comparative analysis in the national legislation of CSTO member-states in the illegal migration and trafficking counteracting and other issues. On May 16 the NA delegation took part at the IPA CIS 36th plenary session, which dedicated to the theme on legal securing of upgrading of educational system in the CIS member states. 11 issues from 12 included in the agenda related to the establishment of a number of model laws. On the same day the Armenian delegation led by the NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan in Tavrichesky Palace took part in the international forum dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Nuremberg process.

The speakers, in particular, said that the Armenian delegates succeeded to prevent the adoption of the initiative of the Azerbaijani representatives in providing status of observer to Turkey in IPA CIS. According to the head of the delegation, due to E. Sharmazanov’s effective work, the issue initially included in the session of the Permanent Commission of Political Issues and International Cooperation of the mentioned structure not only had been discussed, but also not entered into agenda, but also by the Azerbaijanis’ wish. In his turn, Edward Sharmazanov said “the Trukish speaking countries wanted to create to a new podium for Turkey in IPA CIS.” “It was clear that it should not take place because Armenia should vote against it,” said he, adding that in this issue the Azerbaijani delegation tried to be sly and had fallen “in the trap created by itself.” In particular, before the sitting he asked a meeting from the Armenian delegation and tried to persuade the Orthodoxy Inter-parliamentary Assembly and the Turkish speaking countries to include in the agenda with one united package the issues of providing status of observer. In response to this, the Armenian delegates expressed that they are different issues, and if they are for providing status of observer to the Orthodoxy IPA, they have special opinion connected with Turkey. As a result, the Azerbaijanis voted against including the two issues in the agenda.

Mr Sharmazanov highlighted the joint session of the Political Issues and International Cooperation Commission of IPA CIS, the Subcommittee of the External Affairs of the Committee of PACE Political Issues and Political Issues and International Cooperation Commission of CSTO PA, which took place on May 16, during which he gave a speech. The representative of the Armenian delegation without mentioning any name, but very transparent,, directed the content of his speech to the fact of Azerbaijan’s intensive disarmament and solving the problem through military way. The Azerbaijani delegation wanted to give a speech, but was deprived of that opportunity, as their speech had not been on the agenda. Completing his speech Mr Sharmazanov assessed effective the visit of the Armenian delegation, as there was an atmosphere of cooperation and solidarity and distinctly directed work.

To recap, at the end of the plenary session the NA Vice Speaker Samvel Balasanyan, NA deputy Edward Sharmazanov and the head of the CIS Division of the NA Staff Marieta Sahakyan have been awarded the diploma of the IPA CIS. The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Artak Davtyan was awarded CSTO PA diploma.