RA NA President Receives the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office
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On June 12 RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan received the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office , Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland Eamon Gilmore.

Welcoming the high-ranking guest the NA President highlighted his visit with respect to getting acquainted with the regional problems in the spot and discussing issues of common interest. Hovik Abrahamyan highly assessed the role of the OSCE in the establishment of democratic institutes of our country and considered necessary the continuity of that cooperation. The NA President thanked that during the RA parliamentary elections the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the OSCE/ODIHR have implemented unbiased observation mission, noting that Armenia appreciated the OSCE/ODIHR unbiased report. In his word, the President of Armenia and the authorities did their best that the May 6 parliamentary elections would be democratic, free and transparent.

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Eamon Gilmore congratulated Hovik Abrahamyan on being elected NA President, wishing him success during his further activity. He highly appreciated the democratic reforms going on in Armenia, reserving important role in that process to the National Assembly. Mr Gilmore highlighted the 2011 Amnesty, which, according to him, was of high importance in strengthening the inner-political stability in the country. He noticed that the reformed Electoral Code, where the OSCE/ODIHR experts’ proposals were included, and adopted by the NA had greatly promoted the success of the parliamentary elections held in May. He also emphasized the amendments to the law “On Holding Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations,” as well as the adoption of the bill envisaging amendments to the law “On Television and Radio.” The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office deemed necessary the deepening of the RA NA-OSCE further cooperation and expressed willingness of support.

In the course of the meeting they talso touched upon regional problems.The NA President noted that Armenia stressed the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs as acting and only format of negotiating process. “Our country has repeatedly proved that it has been consistent in the settlement of the problem only through peaceful means. The parties should refrain from any steps, which could create additional tension and obstacles on the peaceful process,” Hovik Abrahamyan said. To his conviction, any attempt of conflict settlement through military can have unpredictable consequences not for conflict parties, but also for the region. The NA President expressed concern about diversion actions and encroachments implemented by Azerbaijan during the last days, condemcned them, noting that the international community should give worthy assessment to Azerbaijan’s behaviour.

Mr Gilmore also highlighted the peraceful settlement of the NK conflict in the OSCE Minsk Group format on the basis of the nations’ self-determinationa, regional integrity and principles of non-use of force and stressed: “We don’t accept using force, and military solution of conflict cannot be. Any tension of situation is inadmissible. We should go forward – to peaceful settlement.” Touching upon Armenian-Turkish relations the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office ensured that the structure led by him supported the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations.

In the course of the meeting other issues were also discussed.

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Meets the Representatives of the NA Factions
On June 12 the delegation headed by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Ireland Eamon Gilmore met with the representatives of the National Assembly factions. Welcoming the visit of the delegation, Artak Zakaryan, member of the RPA faction, Ch...