RA NA President Receives the Head of Delegation of the European Union to Armenia
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On July 3 RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan received Ambassador Traian Hristea, the Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Armenia.

Welcoming the Ambassador, the NA President documented with satisfaction that during the recent period Armenia-European Union partnership had been considerably activated with bilateral, as well as multilateral formats. The bilateral contacts of high level had been enlivened both with European structures and EU member states. Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted European Union-NA cooperation, noting that the parliament was greatly concerned about deepening of cooperation, which would also promote the successful process of the ongoing reforms in the country. Mr Abrahamyan ensured that the RA authorities’ political will and wish was to see Armenia in European family and along with democratic countries.

Ambassador Traian Hristea, the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia has noted that the European structures highly assess the cooperation with Armenia and the National Assembly. To his conviction, the National Assembly has big role in the success of implementation of democratic reforms, and in this context has highly appreciated Hovik Abrahamyan’s efforts of making the parliament a tribune of plurality. Touching upon the upcoming visit of the President of the European Council the Ambassador has noted that Armenia is the first one among the Eastern Partnership countries that Herman van Rompuy is visiting. In his word, the visit of the President of the European Council means that the European Union highly assesses and encourages the ongoing democratic reforms in Armenia and welcomes the progress of our country in that direction.

In the course of the meeting other issues of mutual importance were also discussed.

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