Debates of the Annual Report "On RA 2011 State Budget Execution" End in the NA Standing Committees
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On September 29 at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the annual report “On RA 2011 State Budget Execution”, which included the spheres of industry, urban development, transport and communication, energy and natural resources, tariff policy, protection of economic competition and cadastre, the formation of revenues, tax and customs policy, was debated.

The RA Deputy Finance Minister, Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan, presented the general picture of the budgetary allocations, and the RA Minister of Economy Tigran Davtyan, the RA Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Ara Simonyan, the RA Deputy Minister of Urban Development Alexan Karapetyan, the RA Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication Hrant Beglaryan, the Chairman of the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission Robert Nazaryan, the RA Deputy Chairman of the State Commission of RA Protection of Economic Competitiveness Pavel Ghaltakhchyan, the Deputy Chairman of the Cadastre State Committee of Real Estate adjunct to RA Government Ashot Musayan presented the direction of the expenditures according to spheres.

Then Atom Janjughazyan and the Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee adjunct to RA Government Armen Alaverdyan presented the peculiarities of the formation of the revenues, the tax and customs policy in 2011.

The debates of the annual report “On RA 2011 State Budget Execution” ended in the RA NA Standing Committees.

To recap, during the sittings the NA Standing Committees (each of them with its reserved spheres) approved the annual report “On RA 2011 State Budget Execution.”

After summing up the debates in the NA Standing Committees, at the September 29 sitting the NA Standing Committees on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs also approved the annual report of the budget, proposing to include in the agenda of the upcoming four-day sittings.

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