RA NA Delegation Takes Part in the Works of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Annual Session
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At November 15 press conference the Head of the RA NA Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly summed up the results of the works of the NATO PA Annual Session in Prague on November 9-12.

Koryun Nahapetyan said that the meetings of the NATO PA committees were held during the session.

On November 10-11 the Armenian Delegation took part in the meetings of the Political Committee. The reports “Arab Spring: Its Consequences for Euro Atlantic Security”, NATO After Afghanistan”, “the draft resolution “NATO After Chicago”, the reports “Afghanistan and the Security of South Western Asia”, “Central Asia and Transition in Afghanistan”, “The Developments in Syria: Its Consequences in the Region and Beyond It”, the draft resolution on the last item, as well as other items were discussed.

All the discussed reports were approved, and eight resolutions were passed.

During the discussion of the report “Arab Spring: Its Consequences for Euro Atlantic Security” the Head of the Delegation addressed a question to the reporter on item 25, according to which, the Assad Administration was still getting support by the Alavits and Christian minorities only because of the fact that after the collapse of the regime they were afraid of chaos and inter-religious violence. Koryun Nahapetyan’s question related to the Armenian communities. He has said that 100.000 Armenians live in Syria, but most of them are leaving the country now, 46 people were killed, 3000 people immigrated to Armenia, there are hostages. In response to that, the reporter Agov said that they were not aware of all that and they take the information as granted.

The Armenian Delegation has had a number of working meetings. On November 9 the Head of the Delegation Koryun Nahapetyan at the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic met with the members of the Czech-Armenian Friendship Group Robin Bőhnisch, Antonin Seda and Senator Pavel Trpak. A number of issues were discussed, the sides also touched upon the Safarov case: Koryun Nahapetyan thanked the Czech deputies for the statement adopted by the Czech Parliament on Safarov extradition.

The members of the Delegation had also meetings with the NATO PA President Karl Lamers, NATO President candidate Hugh Bayley, Assembly Secretary General David Hobbs. Issues on the cooperation between the NATO PA and the RA NA, the participation of the Armenian armed forces in the NATO peacekeeping missions, the increase of the number of the members of the RA NA Delegation, the possible holding of Rose-Roth Seminar in Yerevan were discussed.

At the NATO PA plenary session President of the Assembly was elected member of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, Labour MP Hugh Bayley.

Koryun Nahapetyan also answered the journalists’ questions.