Meeting in the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration
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On February 11 the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with the Head of the Council of Europe Office to the RA Oleksandr Pavlyuk and his deputy Naira Avetisyan.

In the course of the meeting the sides touched upon the upcoming elections in Armenia, as well as the post-electoral possible political developments.

Naira Zohrabyan and Oleksandr Pavlyuk discussed the issue of assuming of the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers by Armenia in May. According to the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration, it is important that Armenia specify its main priorities of the six-month chairmanship period, in order to have them genuinely practical and viable. In Naira Zohrabyan’s opinion, it is an important period for Armenia to show its adherence to the European values.

The Committee Chair expressed her dissatisfaction on the crisis of values in the Council of Europe during the recent period, noting that, unfortunately, Azerbaijan could create an atmosphere with its oil dollars in such an authoritative structure, as the Council of Europe. According to Naira Zohrabyan, if the Council of Europe and the international structures cannot take measures for preventing Azerbaijan’s “oil dollar progress”, then they will face a serious crisis.

The sides also expressed thoughts on the upcoming elections for Yerevan Elders' Council.

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