Sittings of the NA Standing Committees Are Held
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On March 15 at the s itting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs moderated by Koryun Nahapetyan the package of bills proposing amendments to the RA Law “On Money Laundering and Fighting against Terrorism Financing” and amendments to 14 relevant laws were debated, which presented the Chairman of the RA Central Bank Artur Javadyan.

The Committee endorsed the package of bills to be included in the agenda of the upcoming four-day sittings.

The Committee also debated and endorsed in the second reading the bills “On Amending the RA Law on Approving the Statute of the Garrison and Guard Services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia” and “On Amending the RA Law on Approving the Statute of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia”.

At the Sitting a working consultation was held on the upcoming works of the Committee.

On the same day moderated by Davit Harutyunyan at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs the deputies debated and endorsed a group of draft laws, which will be in the draft laws of the agendas of the NA spring session and the upcoming four-day sittings.

Before turning to the debate of the draft laws the Committee members heard the report “Thematic Parliamentary Hearings” by the Director of the USAID Support for the Armenian National Assembly Program by Shaun McNally.

Presenting the program Shaun McNally has noted that the main goal is the rise of the efficiency of the NA activities. In particular, the one of the goals of this USAID program is the rise of the efficiency of the institute of the parliamentary hearings and its conduct with new format. The USAID finances the four-year program.

Then the Committee debated and endorsed the draft law “On Creating Ad-hoc Committee of the RA National Assembly Inquiring the Issue of Substantiation and Legality of the Events and Actions Undertaken by the RA Police, Special Investigation Service and the RA General Prosecutor’s Office on Cases Causing the Murders of Ten Persons, Civil Persons, Gun and Other Bodily Injuries to the Civil Persons, Employees of the Police and Military Servants in the City of Yerevan on march 1-2, 2008”

The Ad-hoc Committee will submit a conclusion in written form on its assessment till the end of the year.

The Committee in the first reading debated the bill presented by the RA Government “On Amending the RA Law on RA Citizenship”.

The bills “On Amending the RA Law on State and Office Secret” and “On Amending the RA Law ‘Rules of Procedure” were debated in the second reading.

The reformed package of the draft laws “On Amending the RA Law on Civil Service” and “On Amending the RA Law on Community Service” was also debated in the second reading.

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