Visit of the RA National Assembly Delegation to Saint-Petersburg
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On April 10-13 the delegation of the RA National Assembly had been in Saint-Petersburg led by the RA NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan. NA deputies Khosrov Harutyunyan, Artashes Geghamyan, Rubik Hakobyan and Hayk Babukhanyan were in the delegation.

The NA delegation took part in the sessions of the Councils of the IPU CIS and CSTO PA, of the two CIS IPA Permanent Commissions and the CSTO PA three Permanent Commissions, as well as in the international conference “Eurasian Economic Perspective” and “Role of Parliamentary Organizations in a Building Europe Without Dividing Lines.”

At the IPU CIS Council Session held on April 11, which attended the Head of the RA NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan, among other issues the information ”On Participation of the International Observers Formed by the IPA CIS in the RA Presidential Elections” was also submitted to the Council participants. Hermine Naghdalyan thanked the IPA CIS delegation observing the RA Presidential elections for its unbiased activity and for giving objective assessment to the elections.

The RA NA Vice President delivered a speech in the international conference on “Eurasian Economic Perspective.” She noted in particular: “The Republic of Armenia has always been for the development of the integration processes, whether it is in the region or with wide geographical respect. We, certainly, are interested in carrying out the most active partnership with different integration structures, if it is aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation deprived of opposing logic.”

Hermine Naghdalyan gave a speech in the international conference “Role of Parliamentary Organizations in a Building Europe without Dividing Lines,” which the IPA CIS had jointly organized with the PACE. The Head of the RA NA Delegation in her speech has noted that the world community today stands before such challenges, and joint efforts and urgent actions are required to overcome them. “It’s inadmissible that there still exists such a perception of history, which can result in intolerance, violation of national minorities’ rights, not speaking about power aggression. To build United Europe of dividing lines – from Atlantic to Urals, it’s also possible up to Pacific Ocean, it’s necessary to reach an agreement and create mechanisms of trust,” Hermine Naghdalyan noted.

Within the framework of the visit in the Representation of Armenia to the IPA CIS the meeting of the RA NA Delegation with the President of the People’s Skupshchina (Parliament) of the Republic of Serbia N. Stefanović and the Delegation of the Serbian Parliament was held. The sides discussed issues concerning the development of cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the People’s Skupchshina of the Republic of Serbia.

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