NA Vice President Receives the Director of the Department of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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On April 26 the Vice President of the National Assembly Hermine Naghdalyan received the Director of the Department of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Foreign Office of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

While talking with the high ranking official of the Foreign Office the important directions for Armenia during the second tenure of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan were highlighted.

The NA Vice President said that during the past five years the main efforts of the power had been aimed at overcoming the political crisis, the increase of tolerance in the country and the improvement of moral-psychological atmosphere. Hermine Naghdalyan noticed that the world financial-economic crisis also caused big harm to Armenia. It was noted that in the coming years the efforts of the power would be directed to the rise of the economic growth, the creation of new jobs, the elimination of emigration and other spheres.

Touching upon the relations between the two countries the NA Vice President noticed that during the recent period the relations with the United Kingdom had gained new quality, to which witnessed the visits of the RA President, the NA President, the RA Foreign Minister and the visits of the British high ranking officials.

Hermine Naghdalyan has noted that Armenia pays great attention to the development of the relations with the EU member countries. According to the NA Vice President, the initiative of the EU Eastern Partnership opens wide format with bilateral and multilateral for the development of cooperation.

“The Armenian authorities highly appreciate the backing of the Government of the United Kingdom in the economic and democratic reforms going on in Armenia,” the NA Vice President said.

Speaking about the economic progress of Armenia Hermine Naghdalyan highlighted the implementation of a number of programmes being carried out by the British companies in Armenia and expressed her gratitude to them for the British support in numerous spheres. It was noted that big authority in Armenia especially enjoys the British Council, implementing educational and cultural programmes. The NA Vice President also deemed important the support shown by the British Council in ensuring the women’s activation in the political field.

The sides also highlighted the cooperation in the format of the relations with the European Union. The British official emphasized ahead of the Vilnius Summit the steps to be taken by Armenia and expressed readiness to support Armenia in those processes.

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