RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Congratulates Yuri Suvaryan on His 70th Birthday

Dear Mr Suvaryan,

I warmly congratulate you on your 70th anniversary.

They know you as a professional and a scientist, who has weighty contribution to the development of the economic thought and educational system of our country, and today continues with the same energy to take part in the preparation and upbringing of the new generation of the specialists.

Due to your fruitful scientific-pedagogical activity and devotion to your profession the Armenian State Economic University has been for many years and remains an economic leading scientific-educational centre, and its graduates permanently find their place in different spheres in Armenia and abroad.

I am sure that your experience, fervor, professionalism will serve for many years to the interests of our country, the strengthening and multiplication of the achievements of the Armenian State Economic University.

Once again congratulating you on the occasion of your birthday jubilee I wish you health, continuous energy and new achievements in your activities.