Message by the NA President on the International Day for Protection of Children

Dear children, I warmly congratulate you on your holiday - International Day for Protection of Children. I wish you careless and joyful childhood, light and bright adolescence.

Let God make wiser your life with parents’ love and care, friendly devotion, pupils’ interest and aspirations, and it will oblige you to look at people and world with the same love and responsibility. Let your good wishes become true, your innocent childish naughtiness turn to bravery of thought while becoming mature. Let there be healthy spirit, limitless love and kindness in your healthy body, and one day with such wishes you will turn to your children and grandchildren.

New regulations refer to convicts who need medical assistance, service and care in hospital conditions
The Executive proposes addenda and amendment to the Criminal Code. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan presented the main regulations for debate at the extraordinary session of the National Assembly.The convicts in need of long-term medical assistance, service and care in hospital conditi...

It is proposed to establish authority to approve sectoral investment programmes by Government
On July 11, the National Assembly convened an extraordinary session on the initiative of the Government, with the agenda set by the initiator.The debate of some agenda items will be carried out in a special procedure: Their second reading debate will be carried out within twenty-four hours after the...