Debates on the Annual Report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2012 at the NA Standing Committees
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On June 4 at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Agriculture and Environment and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the annual report on the annual report on the Execution of the RA State Budget for 2012 regarding the spheres of agriculture, nature protection and water economy was debated.

The RA Deputy Minister of Finance, Chief-Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan presented the main indices of the execution sheet record of the aforesaid spheres, and the RA First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Grigory Baghiyan, the RA Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan and the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration Andranik Andreasyan made more thoroughly reports on the programmes and expenditures implemented in relevant spheres.

On the same day at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Social Affairs and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the reports on the use of the financial means allocated to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in 2012 was debated.

Atom Janjughazyan presented the general picture of the budgetary allocations, and the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan introduced the main works that the Ministry had implemented.

Artem Asatryan presented the programmes of the sphere of social protection. He noted that in 2012 the pension reforms, the investment of the integrated social services and the solution of the problems aimed at the protection of the children’s rights had been prior directions for Ministry in 2012.

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