Pan-European Conference in the RA National Assembly Continues Its Work
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Within the frames of the chairmanship of the Republic of Armenia at the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on July 4 in the RA National Assembly the Pan-European Conference "The European Standards of Rule of Law and the Scope of Discretion of Powers in the Member States of the Council of Europe” continued its work.

At the first session, which was presiding the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Davit Harutyunyan, representatives of different countries presented their reports on the theme “Judicial Review of the Laws and Other Legal Acts by Independent Judicial Bodies: Experience of Different States in the Sphere of Enrooting Effective System of Constitutional Review and in the Field of Cooperation with Different Bodies of State Power.”

The judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Expert of the Venice Commission András Sajó in his speech “Constitutional Courts and Popular Representation” presented the experience of the constitutional oversight, the decision made on the elimination of the death penalty in Hungary and its public responses and the position of the Constitutional Court.

The theme of the speech delivered by the President of the Constitutional Court of Belarus Petr Miklashevich was “Rule of Law and the Scopes of Discretion of the Legislative Power,” where presenting the Belarusian experience and the guarantees of the protection of human rights in that sphere, has noticed that it is impossible to imagine the legal state without rule of law and its components.

The Member of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland Wojciech Hermelinski gave a speech “The Principle of the Independence of Judges in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal” presented the experience of his country and the existing problems in that sphere. According to him, in Poland and in different states of the world the aspiration of executive authorities is topical today to increase its administrative levers and influence on the courts.

The judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kleandrov presented the report “European Standards in the Field of Disciplinary Responsibility of Judges and the Legislation of the Russian Federation.” Mikhail Kleandrov has noticed that legislative incompleteness and “floating” formulations exist in that sphere, legislative reforms are necessary to be made.

The Vice President of the Constitutional Court of Andorra Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen presented to his colleagues his speech “Question of National Margins of Appreciation,” proposing to think about that issue, how the judges of the ECHR should be guided while making decisions on some issues of protection of human rights, stemming from national discretion or peculiarities, and it’s necessary to have united European approach. It particularly, refers to the electoral right of the detainees, artificial reproduction, etc.

At the last session one thematic report sounded on the theme “Cooperation of Human Rights’ Defender with Different State and Local Self-Government Bodies in Ensuring the Effective Implementation of the Principle of Rule of Law,” which presented the Parliamentary Advocate of the Republic of Moldova Aurelia Grigoriu. She talked about the protection of human rights in the territory of “frozen conflicts.”

At the end of the Assembly a Memorandum with the heading “The European Standards of Rule of Law and the Scope of Discretion of Powers in the Member States of the Council of Europe” was adopted.

NA Vice President Receives the Ambassador of Lithuania to Armenia
On July 4 Eduard Sharmazanov, the Vice President of the National Assembly, Armenia-Lithuania Parliamentary Friendship Group received Erikas Petrikas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lithuania to Armenia. In the course of the meeting the sides discussed issues regarding the further de...