RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Awards the Teachers
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On October 5 pedagogues representing Yerevan and marzes were hosted in the parliament. On the occasion of the Teacher’s Day by the order of the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan 53 teachers from different schools of the republic were awarded for big contribution to the sphere of education. The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan solemnly personally handed over the Medals of Honour of the National Assembly, the NA Diplomas and Letters of Acknowledgement of the President of the National Assembly. The NA Medals of Honour received the Head of the Department of General Education of Yerevan Municipality Gayane Soghomonyan, the Deputy Head of the Law Department of the Ministry of Education and Science Lusine Grigoryan, the Director of Vanadzor Basic School N 7 of Lori Marz Lusik Sargsyan, the Director of Charentsavan Basic School N 1 Gayane Panosyan, the Director of Kh. Abovyan Basic School N 4 of Vagharshapat of Armavir marz Arusyak Muradyan, the Director of Kndzoresk Secondary School of Syunik marz Valentina Balayan, the Director of Yerevan School N 144 Gagik Hovhannisyan, the Director of Yerevan School N 19 Hasmik Gharibyan, the Director of Yerevan School N 160 Anahit Galstyan, the Director of Yerevan Special Educational Complex N 8 of Heavy Disorders of Speech Varduhi Kheboyan, the Deputy Director of Gyumri Secondary School N 27 of Shirak marz Melanya Melkonyan, the Head of Class of Ijevan School N 5 of Tavush marz Anahit Ghularyan, the Head of Class of Malishka School N 1 of Vayots Dzor marz Arpik Navasardyan, the Teacher of Mathematics of Mkhchyan Secondary School of Ararat marz Asya Danielyan, the Teacher of Mathematics of A. Asatryan Secondary School of Nerkin Bazmaberd of Aragatsotn marz Anahit Melkonyan, the Teacher of Mathematics of Yerevan L. Tolstoy School Rita Avetisyan, the Teacher of Armenian Language and Literature of Yerevan Heratsi Senior School Lalage Hakobyan, the Teacher of English of Yerevan Senior School N 97 Rita Azizyan and the Organizer of Hay Aspet/Armenian Knight TV Competition Karin Tonoyan.

Congratulating the pedagogues Hovik Abrahamyan said:

“Dear teachers,

Dear friends,

I welcome you and cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, holiday whis is very close to our hearts. It is always a pleasure for me to meet with the pedagogues, moreover on the occasion of such beautiful occasion. The Teacher’s Day, genuinely is one of the beloved professional holidays for all of us.

The teacher’s role is invaluable especially at the crucial moments of the country. It has been proved during the centuries even when under the foreigners’ pressures we were losing our statehood. Our newest history is also not an exception. After immediately gaining independence, during the hard years, overcoming the social grave daily conditions, you remained faithful to your high vocation, having your unique contribution to the establishment of the newly created state. As our brave soldiers were keeping our borders, you too, dear teachers, were providing a reliable rear and building our future.

The school is the stronghold of the society and the state, and teacher is the pillar of that stronghold. With your selfless work you sow love, faith, tolerance and the most important, drive of entirely serving to the Motherland. Every time, when the teacher enters a class a small miracle occurs, he/she assumes the responsibility of preparing the young generation to the life with difficulties.

The teacher is not only a person passing knowledge, but also is the bearer of spiritual values and moral norms. And by this very fact the teacher’s high mission  is conditioned: the upbringing of the young generation, the formation of strong and virtuous citizen.

Dear teachers,

The educational system has been and will always be under the care of the state. During these years we have recorded serious successes, however we still have things to do and we will continue to support, as much as we can,  the upgrading of the sphere, as well as improve our pedagogues’ living standard. It stems from our common interests. I would like to assure you that year by year the efforts aimed at that goal will become more effective and weighty. In fact, we always wish to see our teachers in high spirits, but we sometimes forget that they also need our support.

Once again congratulating you on the occasion of this bright holiday, I wish, in the person of you, to express my gratitude to all teachers, to those who through many years have devoted themselves to the honourable mission of educating generations, a mission, in the basis of which is the endless love to children.

I wish all of you good health, personal happiness and welfare.”

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