Meeting of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group with the Delegation of Germany-South Caucasus Parliamentary Group of the FRG Bundestag
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On October 10 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan, the head of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Artak Davtyan and the members of the Group met with the members of the delegation led by Wolfgang Börnsen , the Head of Germany-South Caucasus Parliamentary Group of the FRG Bundestag.

Welcoming the guests the NA Deputy Speaker has expressed conviction that such visits greatly promote the development of relations between the two countries. Hermine Naghdalyan highlighted the deepening of relations with a friendly country as Germany in different spheres.

In the course of the meeting the parliamentarians of the two countries discussed a series of issues relating to the development of the Armenian-German scientific-educational relations. Wolfgang Börnsen , the Head of Germany-South Caucasus Parliamentary Group of the FRG Bundestag has touched upon the International Parliamentary Scholarship programmes which have functioned in Armenia since 1998. The deputy of Bundestag has highlighted that the programme gives an opportunity to the students of Armenia to have experience in the German Bundestag.

The head of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Artak Davtyan expressed hope that in future the German students also would have an opportunity to visit the Armenian Parliament within the framework of that programme.

The Armenian MPs expressed readiness to support the implementation of the educational programmes, which would be aimed at the development and deepening of the Armenian-German relations.

In the course of the meeting the sides also touched upon the RA foreign policy and the regional problems.

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