Parliamentary Hearings
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On October 25 the NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment organized parliamentary hearings on the package of the RA draft laws “On the Bio-Security of the Use of the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO),” “On Amending the RA Law on Licensing,” “On Amending the RA Law on State Duty,” “On Amending the RA Code on Administrative Infringements,” “On Amending the RA Criminal Code.” NA deputies, representatives of the RA Ministries of Nature Protection and Agriculture, international and non-governmental organizations and scientists were taking part in the parliamentary hearings. The Committee Chairman Martun Grigoryan noted that the presented package of the draft laws in the first reading had been debated and passed in the parliament and would be amended to some extent during the period up to the second reading.

The Head of the Bio-Resource Management Agency Artashes Ziroyan presented the main principles and problems of providing bio-security, the authorities and responsibility of the state management bodies, as well as the rights and obligations of those who want to be involved in the GMO use and the mechanisms of the public awareness.

The Head of the Food Security State Service of the RA Ministry of Agriculture Abram Bakhchagulyan has noted that the Republic of Armenia is considered a GMO free or bio-secure zone.

The RA Minister of Nature Protection Aram Harutyunyan gave exhaustive answers to the questions of the NA deputies, journalists and representatives of the NGOs.

Stemming from the importance of the package under debate and sounded various opinions, the Committee Chairman Martun Grigoryan proposed to submit urgently in written form the recommendations and remarks would be included in the bill in case of being admitted and would promote the improvement of the package of the draft laws.

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