RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan is in Lori Marz on a Working Visit
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On October 26 the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan was in Lori Marz on a working visit. The NA Vice Presidents Hermine Naghdalyan and Eduard Sharmazanov, the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Sport Artak Davtyan, NA deputies Karine Atshemyan, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Tachat Vardapetyan, Karen Saribekyan, Edmon Marukyan, Arkady Hambardzumyan, the Governor of Lori Artur Nalbandyan, the Mayor of Alaverdi Artavazd Varosyan were accompanying the Head of the Parliament.

The first stop was in the Sanahin community. Let us note, for the first time in the village water supply has been built with the sums provided from the state budget, the work volume was about 25mln drams. The problem of water has always been, before the farmers used the spring water. As a result of the investment of the new system, 24-hour water supply will be provided in the village. Being hosted in Yeritsyans’ family the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan congratulated them in connection with solving the water problem.

Then the NA President visited the Sanahin Monastery Complex. In the 10th century building restoration works have begun already since last year. We’ll note that during the visiting sitting of the government a decision has been made to allocate sums of money for the restoration of the Sanahin Monastery Complex. First phase of the works has been completed, and the Saint Mary Church of the Monastery Complex has been restored. Every year additional sum of money is allocated for construction works. Hovik Abrahamyan took a tour in the Monastery and saw the work done. Mr Abrahamyan opined that the construction works would be effective if a general project is presented and not solutions be given to the problems phase by phase. He said that he would discuss this issue with the Minister responsible for this sphere. The NA President proposed to install water removal systems in order not endanger the basis of the building because of rain waters and snow melting. After taking the tour in the Sanahin Monastery the spiritual Father Ter Mikayel priest Shaghoyan of Alaverdi and the region in the Sanahin Monatsery said the Lord’s Prayer for the welfare of our country and people.

Getting acquainted with the works done in the Sanahin Monastery the Head of the Parliament also visited the Mikoyan Brothers’ Museum. He laid flowers to the monuments perpetuating the memory of Anastas and Anushavan Mikoyans, after which Mr Abrahamyan and the NA deputies took a tour in the Museum.

On the same day the NA President, the Vice Presidents and the deputies visited the Haghpat Monastery Complex. The Spiritual Leader of the Monastery said that by the NA President’s support a chandelier had been installed in Saint Nshan Church.

Then the NA President attended the opening ceremony of the fundamentally repaired House of Culture of the Haghpat community, took a tour in the territory of the centre, got acquainted with the works done and gave some assignments. Let us note, the House of Culture of the Haghpat community has been repaired by the NA President’s support, and now the community has an improved House of Culture. Within the framework of the Equal Development Programme of the Marzes 60mln drams has been allocated from the state budget for the fundamental repairing of the Cultural Centre.

Last year during the visit in Haghpat the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan also met with the teachers of the secondary school of the village, who had asked the Head of the Parliament to support the restoration of the school if necessary. Today, as a result of the NA President’s support, the secondary school of Haghpat is under repair, and its works is envisaged to complete in April of 2014. The school is designed for 192 pupils.

The last stop of the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan in Lori Marz was in Vanadzor. In the Basic School N 22 the Head of the Parliament attended the solemn ceremony of the summing of the final phase results of the 2013 NA Cup competition. It started under the sounds of the state anthem. We’ll note that teams from all marzes of Armenia and Artsakh, 144 children in total, 12 athletes in every team, took part in the competition. They competed in several kinds of sport: running, throwing of ball, etc. The team of Syunik was the first, the second was Kotayk and the third was Gegharkunik. The Head of the Legislator Body personally handed over the NA Cup and the medals to the winner team. The NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan awarded a Cup and medals to the Kotayk team. The NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov handed over a Cup and medals to the Gegharkunik team. Congratulating the winners the NA President underlined that conducting of such events would be continuous, as they would play certainly their role in the success of the sport life of Armenia in future. Summing up the working visit to Lori Marz the Head of the Parliament noted in the talk with the journalists that in future, as he had promised he would provide necessary property and technique to the House of Culture and the school under repair of Haghpat.