Members of Armenia-Italy Parliamentary Friendship Group Meet with the Ambassador of Italy to Armenia
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On March 6 the members of the Armenia-Italy Parliamentary Friendship Group met with Giovanni Ricciulli, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Armenia.

The Head of the Friendship Group Koryun Nahapetyan congratulated Giovanni Ricciulli on assuming the Ambassador’s post and wished him success. He has noted that the Armenian-Italian relations have good perspectives of development in different spheres, but the inter-parliamentary relations are not still at necessary height. By Koryun Nahapetyan’s assessment, it is necessary to use all the formats of cooperation and make regular the meetings of Friendship Groups for exchange of information, discussion of issues of mutual interest and forming a united position in the Parliamentary Assemblies.

The members of the Armenia-Italy Parliamentary Friendship Group proposed the Ambassador to make use of the existing possibilities in spheres like economy, culture, education, tourism and to promote the cooperation of local bodies for activating the cooperation.

Agreeing with the Armenian deputies’ viewpoints on the development of cooperation in the inter-parliamentary relations and in different spheres, the Ambassador Giovanni Ricciulli assured that he would do his best for activating the cooperation in all the directions. To his assessment, the deputies’ distinct interpellations and proposals were very useful with respect to preindicating the priorities of cooperation.

In the course of the meeting other issues of mutual interest were also discussed.

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