Working Meeting at the NA Standing Committee
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On March 19 the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs organized a working visit on the theme “The Guarantees of the Trade Unions’ Activity.” Representatives of the Trade Unions, the Employers’ Republican Union and Human Rights NGOs were taking part in the deliberations.

In her opening speech the Committee Chair Elinar Vardanyan thanked the representatives of the sphere for actively cooperating with the Committee and submitting valuable proposals, and expressed hope that they would promote the rise of the efficiency of the works of the Trade Unions and the employers.

The representatives of the Trade Unions, the Employers’ Republican Union and Human Rights NGOs proposed amendments to the law “On Trade Unions” and the RA Labor Code, which to their assessment, are aimed at the improvement of the activity of the Trade Unions. The proposals referred to the problems arisen in the working legal relations, the mechanisms of the solution of the employee-employer quarrels, the specification of the order of conducting collective negotiations, the articles regarding the collective treaties and other provisions. The sides presented their remarks, rejections and recommendations.

At the end of the meeting the Committee Chair assured that the presented recommendations would be debated in the Committee.