Next Four-Day Sittings of the National Assembly Begin
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On March 24 the National Assembly began the work of the next four-day sittings. After approving the agendas for the NA session and the four-day sittings the National Assembly by voting passed the bills debated in the previous sitting.

The deputies welcomed the teachers and the pupils of Yerevan Gurgen Margaryan Senior School N 94, who visited the parliament within the framework of the Open Doors Programme and were following the NA sitting.

The National Assembly continued the debate of the bill “On the Management of the State Property” interrupted in the previous four-day sittings.

Gagik Jhangiryan presented the view of the ANC faction on the draft law. He proposed the parliamentary majority to organize serious deliberations on the draft law.

Responding Gagik Jhangiryan the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan has ensured that debates will certainly take place, and the National Assembly will not pass any law, if it contradicts the mother law.

In the final speech the co-reporter, the Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Mikayel Melkumyan has said that after the debates there are still concerns left about it.

Arman Sahakyan, Head of State Property Management Department adjunct to the RA Government, in his final speech said that once again some articles would be debated and amendments would be made if necessary.

The National Assembly debated the NA decision draft law “On Creating an Ad-hoc Inquiry Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Studying the Influence of the Use of the Speedodetectors and Video Cameras for the RA Individual Entrepreneurs and Legal Entities for the period of 2012-2013, Paid Parking, Possible Increase of Yerevan Transport Fees, Mandatory Insurance Fines Execution on Obsolete Cars,” submitted by the author, the NA deputy Rubik Hakobyan. He has informed the deputies that the draft law is the initiative of the parliamentary four factions – the PAP, the ANC, the ARF and the Heritage.

The NA deputies exchanged thoughts on the issue under debate.

In his extraordinary speech Hovik Abrahamyan proposed the four factions to distinguish the concerning issues, according to the spheres, send them to the relevant bodies, then hold parliamentary hearings, thoroughly debate those issues, hearing the explanations of the relevant bodies. To the NA President’s assessment, his proposed dimension for the debate of the issue will be more effective and the political speculations will be excluded.

The RA Justice Minister Hrayr Tovmasyan deemed inexpedient the creation of such a Committee.

The Minister of Finance Davit Sargsyan has noted that the government works out a draft law.

The RA Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan has expressed conviction that the National Assembly can solve it by law.

Levon Zurabyan, Head of the ANC faction, presented the view of the faction on the issue under debate. He highlighted the creation of the Ad-hoc Committee.

The National Assembly will continue the debate of the issue at March 25 sitting.