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RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan Takes Part in the Festive Events in Artsakh
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On May 9 in the NKR the RA President Serzh Sargsyan, the NKR President Bako Sahakyan, the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan, the high ranking leadership of Artsakh, the members of the RA Government delegation and the guests took part in the solemn events dedicated to the Victory Day, the NKR Defense Army Day and the 22nd anniversary of Liberation of Shushi.

In the morning the RA delegation together with the NKR political and military high leadership walked from Stepanakert Veratsnund (Rebirth) Square to Stepanakert Memorial Complex, where they laid a wreath and flowers at the memorial of the victims who died for the freedom and independence of Artsakh and at the tombs of freedom fighters.

The RA delegation took part in the festive events organized in Artsakh and visited Shushi. At the pedestal of the Tank-monument at the approaches of the city the members of the delegation laid a wreath and flowers and paid their tribute to the memory of the hero freedom fighters, then laid flowers to Vazgen Sargsyan's monument, visited Shushi Surp Amenaprkich (Saint All-Saviour) Ghazanchetsots Cathedral.  In Shushi a festive concert took place.

Festive Events at the Victory Park
On May 9 at the Victory Park the RA NA Deputy Speakers Eduard Sharmazanov, Hermine Naghdalyan and the deputies took part in the solemn event dedicated to the Victory and Peace Day. They laid wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and paid their respects to the memory of the victims o...

Congratulatory Message by the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan on Victory and Peace Day
“Dear compatriots,I congratulate you on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day.This holiday is the symbol of our nation’s identity, its unshaken spirit and love of life. Through millennia victory and peace have been complementary factors. Our people have realized that the price of peace is victory, a...

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