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RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan Meets with the Head of the CoE Office in Yerevan
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On May 13 the RA NA Deputy Speaker, Head of the RA NA delegation to PACE Hermine Naghdalyan met with the Head of Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Oleksandr Pavlyuk.

Oleksandr Pavlyuk congratulated Mrs Naghdalyan on being appointed Head of the PACE Armenian delegation, wishing success and effective activity. He has noted that Armenia’s presidency in the CoE Committee of Ministers is positively assessed. In his word, the goal of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan is to continue supporting the implementation of the programees aimed at the development of democracy in Armenia.

Mrs Naghdalyan has noted that Armenia is the bearer of the European value system and has highlighted the role of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan and the work done in our country. She welcomed and highlighted the programmes connected with the deepening of democracy, reforms of the justice system and the activities of the local self-government bodies. Hermine Naghdalyan touched upon the regional developments and the Karabakh problem. Touching upon the upcoming presidency of Azerbaijan in the CoE Committee of Ministers she expressed concern about the people who had crossed the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and were imprisoned. Mrs Naghdalyan expressed hope that the CoE would promote the solution of the issue of the prisoners’ extradition.

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