Students of Armenian National Agrarian University Visit the National Assembly
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On May 22 within the framework of the “Open Doors” programme the students of Armenian National Agrarian University visited the RA National Assembly, and observed the procedure of the sitting in the NA Session Hall.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Artak Davtyan conducted the open lesson, presenting to the students the structure of the parliament, the functions and the law-making activity of the Standing Committees.

Artak Davtyan answered the students’ questions, which were related to the RA foreign and inner policy, the recent political developments, the social-economic situation of the country, etc.

At the students’ request Mr Davtyan touched upon the legislative amendments connected with the accession to the Customs Union, the accumulative pension system, the problems of the regional higher educational institutions and the strategy of general education of the mountainous and frontier settlements.

Touching upon the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Artak Davtyan has noted that a serious work on informing the international community is carried out by the RA Ministries of Diaspora and Culture, the NA Standing Committees on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and on Foreign Relations also take part in the works.

At the end of the meeting in the NA Session Hall the students had been taken photo with the NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan and Artak Davtyan.

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