RA NA President Visits Children’s Park with his Grandchildren
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On June 1 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan visited Children’s Park with his grandchildren. The atmosphere got more enlivened in the park, when the Head of the parliament came to congratulate the kids.

Galust Sahakyan had also his contribution to the annual action of the information-analytical agency, which was carried out in the charitable sale-exhibition implemented on the occasion of International Day for Protection of Children in the adjacent territory of Yerevan Children’s Railway. Ice-cream counters were installed in the park, and the politicians and representatives of show business were selling the children’s beloved ice-creams. Exhibition-sale of the knitted works and books for children were also carried out.

The Head of the parliament approached to every pavilion. The whole sum of ice-cream under sale within the action, and part of the knitted works and books for children will be transferred to the care of the children in need living in Karvachar Region.

The wish of the Head of the Legislative body to the children was peaceful, careless and happy childhood, welfare and dignified future.

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