The First Sitting of the Presidium of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly

On June 19, after the end of the activities of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly, the sitting of the Chairman of the Assembly and the co-chairmen of the six committees was held.

By the proposal of Artur Baghdasaryan, the Chairman of the Assembly, the procedure of further activities of the Assembly was elaborated.

An agreement was reached to elaborate in a month the statute of the committees’ activities and presidium, to develop the working programme by comparing the working programmes of the committees, to specify bilateral legal treaty relations, to cooperate with other Parliamentary Assemblies, to put the geographical cooperation responsibility on the deputy chairmen of the Assembly. It was noted that the Assembly is an open structure for all those countries, where new Parliamentary Friendship groups with the RA NA would be set up or deputies of Armenian origin will be elected .

The next Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly will be held in 2006, presidency sitting will be held, at least, once a year, even more if it is necessary.

The Co-Chairmen of the committees of the Assembly would submit the activities of the Assembly and adopted resolutions to the parliaments of their countries and parliamentary friendship groups and Armenian community. An agreement was reached on exchange of permanent information.

Other working procedure issues were also discussed at the sitting

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