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Meeting at the NA Standing Committee
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On June 5 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial and Local Self-Government Stepan Margaryan and the Deputy Chairman Araik Hovhannisyan met with the representatives of the inter-community structures of Tavush Marz.

The Committee Chairman Stepan Margaryan has informed that the meeting is the continuity of the visit paid to Dilijan a few days ago by the Committee, during which issues concerning the concept of the community enlargement have been discussed. By his recommendation the representatives of the Marz presented the concerns and proposals of the community residents relating to the community enlargement process and the possible risks.

In their speeches Stepan Margaryan and the Deputy Chairman Araik Hovhannisyan have noted that the community enlargement will not be an end in itself, the residents’ opinions and proposals will be taken into consideration. They noted the results expected from this process and expressed willingness to debate the proposals and concerns.

Highlighting such meetings the Committee Chairman urged the representatives of the local self-government to submit proposals on the adequate development of the territories. Araik Hovhannisyan deemed expedient to implement pilot projects in some areas, using regional and bunch models.

The Committee members noted that such debates will also be carried out in other marzes to find out the residents' attitude and concerns.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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