RA NA President Galust Sahakyan Receives the Ambassador of Japan to the RA
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On June 10 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan received Chikahito Harada, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to the RA. The Head of the Armenia-Japan Friendship Group Samvel Farmanyan and the RA General Secretary Hrayr Tovmasyan attended the meeting.

The NA President highlighted the further development of the bilateral relations, deeming necessary the intensification and enlargement of mutually beneficial cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and other spheres. In Galust Sahakyan's word, the meetings and reached agreements held within the framework of the official visit to Japan of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan were of great importance in the strengthening of inter-state relations and further development of the Armenian-Japanese cooperation. Reserving an important role to the parliamentary cooperation in the development of the political dialogue between the two countries, the NA President underlined the activity of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups. The NA President highlighted the decision of the Japanese Government of opening an Embassy in Yerevan in 2015, noting that it would boost the further deepening of the bilateral ties. He welcomed the idea of installing the ''Memorial Tablet of Peace'' in Armenia, and the opening ceremony of it is designed to be held on June 25.

Congratulating Galust Sahakyan on the occasion of being elected the NA President the Ambassador has noted that Japan emphasizes the development of multilateral ties with Armenia, to which the deepening of inter-parliamentary cooperation will also contribute. In the strengthening of bilateral ties he has also highly assessed President Sargsyan's official visit to Japan.

Both sides focused on the effective cooperation of Armenia and Japan within the framework of international organizations. The NA President highly appreciated the balanced position of Japan in the settlement of the NK conflict. In the course of the meeting other issues of bilateral interest were also discussed.

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