Meeting in the Parliament
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On June 17 the Head of the NA Armenia-Germany Parliamentary Friendship Group Artak Davtyan and the members of the Group met with Martin Pätzold , MP of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, Rapporteur on Armenia and Georgia in the Standing Committee on the Affairs of the European Union of Bundestag. Reiner Morell, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the FRG to the RA, attended the meeting.

During the meeting the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group expressed conviction that it is necessary to use all the formats of cooperation, make the meetings of the Friendship Groups regular for the exchange of information and discussion of issues of mutual interest. Ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the organization of events and discussions on the genocide in Germany , which has a big Turkish community, was highlighted. A proposal was made to use the opportunities existing in the spheres of inter-regional cooperation, economy, culture, education, agriculture for activating the interaction.

Sharing the Armenians deputies’ viewpoints on the necessity of cooperation development in inter-parliamentary relations and other spheres, Martin Pätzold assured that he would do his best in all the mentioned directions for intensifying the cooperation.

During the meeting other issues of mutual interest were also discussed.