Congratulatory Message by the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan on Knowledge Day
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“Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Knowledge Day.

On September 1 the doors of the educational centres open as usual - the doors beyond which the road of the future begins. The more confident and firm steps are taken to overcome that road; the more promising and reliable will be tomorrow. That road passes through the kindergarten, school and higher educational institution, enriches with the upbringing, knowledge and experience of life, being selflessly conveyed by tutors, teachers and lecturers and becomes the path of maintenance as a strong country and its decent citizen.

The knowledge obtained during educational years are the keys, which help to orientate in different situations, confidently move in different ways, solve different problems – individual and universal, state and national. We have always assessed with special love and respect the value of knowledge, evaluated the power of knowledge. The knowledge and education are one of the most important guarantees of our vitality, the pillars of our system of values, which have even sometimes shaken, nevertheless, have always remained stable during our whole history.

Every educational year is given for the start of a new period of fixing those pillars. Every new generation are the modern architect and builder, who are called to give a new life and new spirit to the national and all-human values rising on that ground. Entering school the first-year pupil refreshes the nation’s blood circulation; the first-year student more strengthens its flow. Just as the guardsman in his guard booth, the commander towards his soldier, head of the country towards his citizens assume and fulfill with honour that heavy mission full of concerns, and at the same time full of love and warmth, so too does every pedagogue assumes the obligation of those processes.

Once again congratulating all of us on Knowledge Day, I would like to convey my special wishes to the first-year pupils and the first-year students, also to those, who take their step into the educational centres as pedagogues for the first time. Let the knowledge be a decisive and firm guideline, and the educational year - a positive and memorable impetus on the road of life for the benefit of today’s and tomorrow’s Armenia.

I wish all the best, peace and welfare to all them, who study, educate, teach and are taught, to those who feed the world of knowledge, and who are fed from that world.”