Meeting at the National Assembly
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On October 10 the Head of the NA Armenia-Iran Friendship Group Vahram Baghdasaryan and the members of the Group met with the delegation led by the Mayor of Ghazvin Masud Nosrat. Let us note that the delegation has arrived in Yerevan to take part in “Erebuni-Yerevan 2796” celebrations.

Welcoming the guests, Vahram Baghdasaryan has noted that the Armenian-Iranian friendship comes through many centuries and especially has highlighted the current high level of inter-parliamentary cooperation. He has evaluated the activation of mutual visits and bilateral contacts for getting acquainted with the two people’s national traditions and culture and better recognizing each other. Touching upon the economic cooperation, Mr Baghdasaryan has noted that the current volumes of the goods turnover between the two countries and steps should be taken in this direction. The Head of the group has underlined that there is a big community in Iran, and has expressed his gratitude to the Iranian authorities and citizens for the warm attitude towards the Armenian community. Talking about the events to be held in 2015 concerning the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, he has expressed hope that the Iranian Delegation will be next to the Armenian people during those days and will take part in the remembrance ceremonies on April 22-24.

The Group members Artak Zakaryan, Ashot Aghababyan and Arman Sahakyan also have highlighted the development and extension of the inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries.

Thanking for the warm reception Masud Nosrat has briefed the history of Ghazvin and the peculiarities of the administration model of the city. He has emphasized the Armenian-Iranian cooperation especially in the spheres of economy, tourism, education and energy. Mr Nosrat invited the Armenian side to take part in the events dedicated to the holiday of Ghazvin.

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