RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Australia
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On October 13 the RA National Assembly Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov being in Geneva on a working visit within the framework of the 131st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union met with Bronwin Bishop, Speaker House of Representatives of the Parliament of Australia, Head of the Delegation of Australia to the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

The NA Deputy Speaker has stated that today the inter-parliamentary cooperation has its unique place in the development of inter-state relations. He has noted that the mutual visits can serve as a good basis for the extension and strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations. Bronwin Bishop in her turn has highlighted the deepening of cooperation between the two parliaments.

Eduard Sharmazanov has positively assessed the balanced unbiased position of Australia in the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh. He has expressed his gratitude towards the legislative body of the State of the New South Wales for the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and the recognition of the right to self-determination of Artsakh people in 2012.

The NA Deputy Speaker noted with satisfaction that in 1997 the Armenian Genocide was condemned with a relevant resolution by the legislative body of the New South Wales. Eduard Sharmazanov underlined that the Armenian Genocide was not only a crime directed to the Armenian people, but also to the whole humanity, and the recognition and condemnation of such crimes is important for their further prevention. Eduard Sharmazanov expressed hope that the Parliament of Australia would debate the issue of condemnation of the Armenian Genocide.

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