Visit of the Members of the International Association of Lawyers and Psychologists to the RA NA
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On October 17 within the framework of the NA “Open Doors” programme the members of the International Association of Lawyers and Psychologists were hosted, which represented the schools of different marzes of the republic, the NKR and Javakhk.

At the RA NA Session Hall the RA NA deputy Arpine Hovhannisyan met with the guests.

During the warm and sincere talk the NA deputy gladly answered the attendees’ various questions, which, in particular, related to the water intake of Lake Sevan, the possibility of free education in some faculties of Yerevan State University, the process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, the increase of the divorces in the Republic of Armenia and other problems.

NA President’s statement on nominating candidates for vacant position of judge of Court of Cassation
“In accordance with Article 166.3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 143.2 of the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Supreme Judicial Council proposed the candidacies of Gurgen Malkhasyan, Vigen Kocharyan and Atom Hayrapetyan for electing ...