Press Conference in the Parliament
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On December 2 the press conference convened in the National Assembly by Margarit Yesayan, Head of the RA NA Delegation to La Francophonie PA, took place.

Mrs Yesayan has noted that during the passing year Armenia has been acting rather active in the International Organization of Francophonie and the Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie, the vivid proof of which is the full support of the member-states to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ efforts on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, stated, by Armenian’s recommendation, in the Final Resolution on Crisis Resolution and Peace-building, adopted in the 15th Summit of International Organization of Francophonie  recently held in Dakar.

“We call on all parties to the conflict to refrain from the use of force and threat of force, which could endanger the peace process, to continue the negotiations on the common and indivisible basis of the proposals of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs, namely non-use of force or the threat of force, territorial integrity, equality of peoples and their right to self-determination,” states the final resolution of the 15th Summit of the International Organization of Francophonie.

The Head of the Delegation has informed them that there are also Organization of Islamic Cooperation /OIC/ member-states among the 80 member-states of the International Organization of Francophonie and according to Margrit Yesayan, it is very important that some Muslim states also joined the abovementioned Resolution.

The Head of the Delegation highlighted the convention of the next council session of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the International Organization of Francophonie in 2015 in Armenia . Mrs Yesayan also reminded that European regional session   of Parliamentary Assembly of Francophonie is to be held on March 30-April 2, 2015 in Yerevan .

According to Margrit Yesayan, the passing year has been effective, as the RA National Assembly became the full member of Francophonie PA, which, according to the MP, gives Armenia an opportunity to submit to the Organization important issues for our country as a full member.

Mrs Yesayan mentioned that the Organization of Francophonie has a significant authority all over the world and Armenia is an acceptable and trustworthy partner in it.

The Head of the Delegation answered journalists’ questions.

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