Galust Sahakyan Receives the Vice President of the European Parliament Riszard Czarnecki
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On December 19 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan received the delegation headed by the Vice President of the European Parliament (EP) Riszard Czarnecki in the parliament. Welcoming the guest Galust Sahakyan has noted that the European Union has been and continues to remain one of the important counterparts of Armenia. The cooperation of Armenia with the EU is, first of all, based on the common system of values, and Armenia is resolute for continuously deepening and extending the relations with the European Union. The President of the National Assembly is decisive to extend and deepen the process of institutional reforms with the European partners directed to democracy, the continuous strengthening of human rights and rule of law. Galust Sahakyan has noted on the decision of the accession to the Eurasian Economic Union that it is conditioned by the geo-political realities and stems from the interest of Armenia. The Head of the Parliament has also informed the guest that the fourth plenary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, which will be held in Armenia, will take place in compliance with all accepted standards. Talking about the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem, the RA NA President has mentioned with regret that Azerbaijan continuously not only rejects the initiatives of the international organizations, particularly, the snipers’ withdrawal from the line of contact, the creation of investigation mechanisms of the accidents, the efforts aimed at the strengthening of the ceasefire regime, but on the contrary, with its bellicose announcements and actions impedes any initiative. “The caviar diplomacy has become the state policy of Azerbaijan, and the authorities of that country try to restore their discredited authority in the civilized world in a mean way of bribery,” Galust Sahakyan noted in particular.

Inviting the EP Vice President to the events of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide in April 2015, the President of the National Assembly has also talked about Turkey, particularly noting: “A country that is not ready to face its own past, its history, the democracy cannot be fundamentally established there.” Galust Sahakyan expressed his gratitude to the European Parliament for adopting the resolution on recognizing the Armenian Genocide in 1987 and expressed hope that on the eve of the Centennial the European Parliament will make a relevant statement or resolution.

The EP Vice President Riszard Czarnecki thanked the RA NA President for the high reception. He has noted that as Vice President this is his first visit to the Republic of Armenia and has assured that it will be continuous. The EP Vice President has noted with regret over the fact that in contrast with the Armenian Delegation, Azerbaijan has rejected to take part in the session of the Euronest to be held in Yerevan. Riszard Czarnecki has assured that the EP is ready to continue the cooperation with Armenia in a number of spheres.