On the Occasion of Army Day Galust Sahakyan Awards a Group of the Military Servicemen of the RA Armed Forces
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On January 27 the President of the RA National Assembly received a group of military servicemen in the National Assembly. Congratulating the attendees on the 23rd anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Army Galust Sahakyan noted in particular: “Though our army is only 23-year old young, but it is mature, like an age-old wise man. The Armenian Army has gained the wisdom and huge experience with difficulty, recording big successes and, unfortunately, also heavy casualties.” Talking about losses the Head of the parliament mentioned about the tension which started since the beginning of this year, its consequences, those heroically fallen, noting in particular: “During these days a group of officers and soldiers of the Armenian Army prevented the subversive operations at the cost of their lives and fell as heroes.” By the proposal of the President of the National Assembly those present honoured the memory of the deceased military in one-minute silence.

Then the NA President expressed gratitude to the military servicemen’s parents, wished them to meet each day with smile and good news from their sons or about them.

At the end of the meeting the President of the RA National Assembly awarded the Commander of the military unit of the RA Ministry of Defense, General-Mayor Poghos Poghosyan the RA NA Medal of Honour. A group of military servicemen were awarded diplomas and souvenir-nominal watches.

The RA Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan expressed his gratitude to the President of the National Assembly and the deputies for permanently keeping the army at the centre of attention and for supporting the army.

                                                      RA NA President’s Full Speech

Dear Mr Minister,

Distinguished servicemen and the attendees,

Tomorrow, on January 28, marks the 23rd anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Army, though our Army is just a 23-year old young man, but it is mature, like an old-age wise man. The Armenian Army has gained the wisdom and huge experience with difficulty, recording great successes and, unfortunately, also heavy casualties. I have repeatedly said that the Armenian biggest youth organization is the very Armenian Army, and the young people are the builders of our country’s future. Numerous occasions have convinced us during these 23 years our army has been firm, it is a winner and a winning army, the vivid evidence of which is the military path full of victories by our army.

Due to Armenian Army soldiers’ and commanders’ efforts and devotion today the peace of the population of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is guaranteed. Today our independence, the territorial integrity and security are in reliable hands: in the secure hands of the Armenian Army. It is already a fact that our 23-year old army is up-to-date, has high combat readiness, is equipped with the most modern military hardware, the most highly qualified specialists and full of the newest technologies. Today, the Armenian Army, besides the sacred duty of defending the Motherland, successfully realizes also international peacekeeping mission in many countries.

Dear servicemen,

I should note with pain that the days preceding the Armenian Army holiday were tense in the frontier military bases, and unfortunately still the tension continues. We all know the main guilty of the tension, the higher power of our adversary, which believes that with its subversive or other mischievous operations will be able to reach a result. As we got convinced during these several days, the unhealthy imagination of the leadership of Azerbaijan cannot record any positive result, they are merely consequences, and its burden feels every Azerbaijani suffering casualties.

The soldier of the Armenian Army is never sick of bellicosity, but is able to deservedly respond to such manifestation of impudence. The soldier of the Armenian Army has never attacked the stranger’s house and defends the security of his country, his house always with devotion and often at the cost of his life.

During these days a group of officers and soldiers of the Armenian Army prevented the opponent's subsersive operations at the cost their lives and heroically fell.

I ask you to honour our heroes' memory in one-minute silence...

Dear friends,

In the person of the soldiers and officers hosted in the National Assembly on the occasion of the coming holiday, Army Day, I congratulate all the servicemen of the army, regardless of their rank and occupied position. I especially congratulate those who at this very moment carry out military duty in the watching-point and trench. I am thankful for your devotion, patriotism and courage.

I express my gratitude to our servicemen's parents. Let every coming day they meet with smile and good news from their sons or about them.

I once again congratulate all of you. I wish you health, peace and secure service, and I wish quick recovery to the servicemen who has got wounded during the combat duty.

                                                      RA NA President’s Full Speech

Dear Mr Minister,

Distinguished servicemen and the attendees,

Tomorrow, on January 28, marks the 23rd anniversary of the formation of the Armenian Army, though our Army is just a 23-year old young man, but it is mature, like an old-age wise man. The Armenian Army has gained the wisdom and huge experience with difficulty, recording great successes and, unfortunately, also heavy casualties. I have repeatedly said that the Armenian biggest youth organization is the very Armenian Army, and the young people are the builders of our country’s future. Numerous occasions have convinced us during these 23 years our army has been firm, it is a winner and a winning army, the vivid evidence of which is the military path full of victories by our army.

Due to Armenian Army soldiers’ and commanders’ efforts and devotion today the peace of the population of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh is guaranteed. Today our independence, the territorial integrity and security are in reliable hands: in the secure hands of the Armenian Army. It is already a fact that our 23-year old army is up-to-date, has high combat readiness, is equipped with the most modern military hardware, the most highly qualified specialists and full of the newest technologies. Today, the Armenian Army, besides the sacred duty of defending the Motherland, successfully realizes also international peacekeeping mission in many countries.

Dear servicemen,

I should note with pain that the days preceding the Armenian Army holiday were tense in the frontier military bases, and unfortunately still the tension continues. We all know the main guilty of the tension, the higher power of our adversary, which believes that with its subversive or other mischievous operations will be able to reach a result. As we got convinced during these several days, the unhealthy imagination of the leadership of Azerbaijan cannot record any positive result, they are merely consequences, and its burden feels every Azerbaijani suffering casualties.

The soldier of the Armenian Army is never sick of bellicosity, but is able to deservedly respond to such manifestation of impudence. The soldier of the Armenian Army has never attacked the stranger’s house and defends the security of his country, his house always with devotion and often at the cost of his life.

During these days a group of officers and soldiers of the Armenian Army prevented the opponent's subsersive operations at the cost their lives and heroically fell.

I ask you to honour our heroes' memory in one-minute silence...

Dear friends,

In the person of the soldiers and officers hosted in the National Assembly on the occasion of the coming holiday, Army Day, I congratulate all the servicemen of the army, regardless of their rank and occupied position. I especially congratulate those who at this very moment carry out military duty in the watching-point and trench. I am thankful for your devotion, patriotism and courage.

I express my gratitude to our servicemen's parents. Let every coming day they meet with smile and good news from their sons or about them.

I once again congratulate all of you. I wish you health, peace and secure service, and I wish quick recovery to the servicemen who has got wounded during the combat duty.

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