RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with the OSCE PA Secretary General in Vienna
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On February 19 Eduard Sharmazanov, the Head of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA), the RA NA Vice President who had left for Vienna to take part in the works of the Winter Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) met with the OSCE PA Secretary General Oliver Spencer.

Both sides highlighted the continuity of the further cooperation of the CSTO and the OSCE Parliamentary Assemblies.

The parties have discussed the situation in the South Caucasus and Ukraine, emphasizing the peaceful settlement of all conflicts, which according to the observation Head of the CSTO PA Delegation, is the key index in the strengthening of the international security.

Touching upon the NK conflict, the NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh are exclusively for the peaceful settlement of the conflict. He has underlined that the problem should be solved in the OSCE Minsk Group format and has considered inadmissible Azerbaijan’s efforts of the military solution of the problem.

Speaking about the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide Mr Sharmazanov has expressed hope that the representatives of the OSCE PA will take part in the commemorative ceremonies to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims in April 2015.

At the end of the meeting Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that in the 70th year of the victory in the World War II one of the pressing themes of the international parliamentary organizations is the prevention of all manifestations of terrorism and Nazism.