RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Meets with the Chair of the Committee on Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic in Vienna
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On February 19 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov had a meeting with Zuzka Bebarova-Rujbrova, the Chair of the Committee on Petitions of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic.

The sides discussed the details of the NA Deputy Speaker’s visit to the Czech Republic in March. Zuzka Bebarova-Rujbrova reaffirmed the holding of the exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide in the Czech Republic, in connection with which Eduard Sharmazanov once again expressed his gratitude.

In his word with this step the Czech Republic has reaffirmed that it is a propagator of protection of human rights, as the holding of the exhibition is not directed against any country: it is called on to protect human rights.

To the NA Deputy Speaker’s conviction, unless the whole international community has recognized and assessed the Armenian Genocide as a greatest evil perpetrated against humanity, it means not to exclude the possibility of new genocides yet.

Let us note that Eduard Sharmazanov is in Vienna to take part in the works of the OSCE PA Winter Meeting.

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