Next Four-day Sittings of the National Assembly Begin
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On February 23 the parliament began the work of the next four-day sittings. The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan has informed that the NA deputy Melik Manukyan submitted a resignation in written form. The NA Speaker reminded that according to Article 13 of the RA Law “NA Rules of Procedure,” after the publication of the resignation during 15 days he can withdraw his resignation letter. If he does not withdraw it, then his deputy authorities will be suspended.

The Head of the parliament also has informed that the deputy Grigor Margaryan has come out of the Prosperous Armenia faction according to his written application.

The Secretary of the PAP faction Naira Zohrabyan has announced that the faction boycotts the works of the four-day sittings, taking into consideration the situation created in the inner-political field in Armenia.

The parliament with 9 for, 6 against, 65 abstained has not passed the NA draft decision “On Including in the Agenda of the Seventh Session of the RA NA Fifth Convocation the Statement on Considering as a Grave Crime against Humanity the Genocidal Policy Perpetrated towards the Greeks, Assyrians, Yezids and other Religious and National Minorities in the Ottoman Empire and Condemning it” authored by Zaruhi Postanjyan. The NA decision draft “On Including in the Agenda of the Seventh Session of the RA National Assembly Fifth Convocation the Legislative Initiative on Impeachment of Serzh Sargsyan Occupying the RA President’s Post.”

After approving the agendas of the NA session and the four-day sittings the deputies by voting passed the RA NA draft decision “On Postponing the March 16-19, 2015 Four-day Sittings of the RA National Assembly.” As from March 16 to 18 the terms of the convocation of the fourth Plenary Meeting of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly coincide with the NA March 16-19 four-day sittings, so by the decision passed by the NA the March 16-19 four-day sittings will be put off till March 23-26.

The relations regarding the implementation of the repose of souls service are designed to be regulated.

The deputies by voting passed the bills debated in the previous sitting and continued the consideration of the legislative package envisaging amendments to the RA Law “On Local Self-Government in the City of Yerevan” and to a number of laws conditioned by it.

The Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government Araik Hovhannisyan submitted the endorsement of the Committee.

The NA draft statement is Debated

Then the parliament debated the NA draft statement “On Governance Crisis Emerged in the Republic of Armenia” authored by the NA deputies Naira Zohrabyan and Levon Zurabyan.

The NA deputies Stepan Demirchyan, Hayk Babukhanyan, Levon Zurabyan, Artak Zakaryan, Gagik Jhangiryan, Aram Manukyan, Edmon Marukyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, Lyudmila Sargsyan, Nikol Pashinyan expressed their viewpoints on the issue.

The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov delivered an extraordinary speech related to the issue. Touching upon the NA draft statement he has not denied that there are problems in the country and he has considered necessary the ideological and healthy means for struggle.

The debate of the issue has been interrupted at the phase of the exchange of thoughts: it will continue at February 24 NA sitting.

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