Meetings of the Euronest PA Committees are Held
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On March the meetings of the Euronest PA four Committees were held.

At the meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies after the approving the draft agenda Gigla Agulashvili, Moderator of the meeting, Representative of Georgia, has informed the MPs that the parliamentarians may submit recommendations on the protocol of the meeting held on November 4, 2014 in Brussels until March 18 before its final adoption.

The RA Minister of Economy Karen Chshmaritian, touching upon the directions of the RA-EU economic cooperation in his opening speech, has noted that the EU is one of the most important trade-economic partners of Armenia, and our country highly appreciates the maintenance and continuity of the current level of the economic cooperation with the EU. He has underlined that Armenia is ready to deepen the cooperation in all possible areas of bilateral interests. Mr Chshmaritian has informed that at present discussions are going on at the experts’ level in the direction of new formats, legal frameworks of the RA-EU bilateral trade-economic cooperation and the possibilities of deepening the cooperation, and precision of positions. It has been noted that in future the Armenian side expects a launch of negotiations on the RA-EU common aviation zone. Mr Chshmaritian has highlighted the provision of the budgetary and technical support by the EU to Armenia, as the reforms being implemented through the support programmes witness that those instruments are effectively used in the key spheres for the economy.

The Minister has noted that Armenia proposes to the European partners liberal and attractive conditions for entrepreneurship newly created free economic zones, various economic instruments being used for the support of the business, qualified, economically beneficial work force.

By Karen Chshmaritian’s assessment, the meetings in such format have serious contribution in creating favourable conditions for the establishment of mutual trust and development of economic relations.

Pasquale de Micco, Representative of the EP Policy Department, DG for External Policies, presented the study “When choosing means losing: the Eastern partners, the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union.” He compared the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement with the EEC Treaty, pointed out their advantages and negative sides and at the end submitted conclusions. The study presents an economic analysis on the Eastern Partnership countries, the picture of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement, the economic and trade data. Mr Pasquale de Micco touched upon the phases of signing the trade-economic agreements in the post-Soviet region, the long-term and short-term programmes, and the membership perspectives.

In the framework of the report Luc Devigne, Representative of EP Directorate General for Trade, has expressed his opinion on Ukraine crisis, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area opportunities, economic relations between Russia and Ukraine and other issues. In his word, the creation of favourable conditions for economic development stems from everybody’s interests, thus it is necessary to reduce strain, focus on economic affairs and lessen political tension.

The economist Vahagn Khachatryan has touched upon the possible perspectives of the Armenian membership to the EEU and the EU. He spotlighted drafting of a precise strategy for the Armenian membership. Mr Khachatryan has presented the tendencies of the RA foreign trade development, import volumes.

During the exchange of thoughts the participants of the session have spoken on the perspectives of economic cooperation in the Eastern Partnership area, submitted their viewpoints.

The RA NA deputy Mher Shahgeldyan has presented “Infrastructural Cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Countries: road, rail and air transport joint projects’ draft report, its main directions and spotlighted the adoption of the draft project and recommended amendments.

Let us note that the parliamentarians have submitted 18 recommendations on amendments on the draft report by co-rapporteurs, EP Representative Alberto Cirio and the RA NA deputy Mher Shahgeldyan. During the voting Mher Shahgeldyan has stated that the Armenian side is against the Azerbaijani recommendation on prolonged conflicts and occupied territories in the Eastern Partnership countries. Mr Shahgeldyan has noted that it is not acceptable for the Armenian side, as there are formulations in place, which do not comply with the logic of the report. According to him, the approaches on the occupation of territories are not expedient to use in such a report. The deputies rejected the Azerbaijani recommendation. As a result of the voting the Committee has adopted the draft report and 17 other recommendations.

Thereafter the Committee has passed on to the consideration of the next item, which refers to the planning of the Committee functions for 2015-2016. It has been mentioned that the next report of the Committee is going to be on the EU financing and the economic cooperation with the Eastern Partnership countries.

At the meeitting of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy , which was presided over by the Committee Chairman Victor Dolidze, firstly the draft agenda and the protocol of the November 4, 2014 meeting /Brussels/ of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy were adopted, afterwards the RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian came up with the opening speech. He has noted that Armenia highly appreciates the comprehensive and multilateral cooperation with the EU in such areas as democracy, rule of law, protection of fundamental freedoms, joint projects on sustainable development, and good governance and etc. “In this interaction it is highly assessed the parliamentary involvement”, he has said. According to him, just as it is recorded within the framework of Vilnius Summit in the Armenia-EU joint declaration, the parties has agreed on the necessity ofthe creation of new legal bases for regulating the relations. Armenia intends to develop the cooperation with the EU aimed at promotion of human rights, intensification of democracy, continuous improvement of the judicial power, struggle against corruption, strengthening of civil society, further advancement of atmosphere for trade and investments, mobility expansion, and sectoral cooperation development. It has been mentioned that currently the consultations with the EU partners are in the final phase to determine the further legal frame of our cooperation based on the progress which was recorded in the previous stage. Armenia is ready to continue the comprehensive cooperation with the EU through all the formats, possible areas and directions, taking into consideration our responsibilities in other integration processes. The Minister has underscored that mobility expansion is considered to be one of the cooperation priorities. Encouraging people-to-people contacts with the EU member states more preconditions will be created for the deepening of partnership relations. The Minister has reminded that Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements have entered into force since January 2014. According to the Armenian Government Decision the EU member state citizens has been free of visa requirement since 2013. The Minister has expressed hope that in the near future it will be possible to launch a new stage of negotiations aimed at the liberalization of visa regime. “In parallel with parliamentary and intergovernmental platforms, implementing our agenda with the EU we highly appreciate the role of civil society, the proof for which is their numerous participation in this Assembly held in Yerevan,” has said Edward Nalbandian. He has stated that today the attention of international community is focused on finding ways for the Ukrainian crisis settlement. Not only the centuries old friendship between our two peoples does link Armenia and Ukraine, but also the existence of community of several thousands of the Armenians living in Ukraine. In the Minister’s word, peaceful settlement of conflicts is of primary importance for building friendly relations and ensuring sustainable development. At the same time it should be taken into account that each conflict has its peculiarities and it is not possible to use one common formula for handling them. The endeavors directed to the conflict settlement should be advanced within the framework of special negotiation formats concerted beforehand, and such steps, which could demage that negotiation precesses, should be refrained from. Edward Nalbandian has stated that the format, which has the international mandate for Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, is the Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship, and it is important to support the co-Chairs’ endeavours aimed at the peaceful conflict settlement. The announcements conflicting with the resolutions of the Minsk Group co-Chairs may be perceived as bias and are able to damage the peaceful process. Touching upon the current phase of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Edward Nalbandian has mentioned that Baku continues opposing the Minsk Group co-Chairs and does its utmost to thwart the peaceful negotiations. “During the last year Baku has seriously tensed the situation, significantly increasing the violations of the ceasefire regime and targeting civil objects, including by using heavy weapons. This policy of Baku has suffered numerous casualties for both sides”, has said the Minister. It has been mentioned that the Azeri provocations are expressed also in permanent bellicose rhetoric and anti-Armenian hate speech. Azerbaijan, which has increased its military budget for 30 times during the last 10 years, continuously threatens to settle the conflict by military means. Those political activists, intellectuals and journalists in Azerbaijan, who are the apologists of peace and rapprochement, are being chased as Armenian spies and end up behind bars. Armenia, on the contrary to Azerbaijan, has always been and is for the co-Chairs’ recommendations on continuation of negotiations aimed at exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict. Talking about the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, Edward Nalbandian has underscored that the recognition and condemnation of the past genocides are one of the fundamental factors of preventing them in future. Back to 1987 the European Parliament recognized the Armenian Genocide and reaffirmed its position on the Genocide in 2000, 2002, 2005, thus having had its great contribution to the efforts in this direction. “We also highly appreciate that the European Parliament in its resolutions has called on Turkey to open the borders with neighbouring Armenia and establish normal diplomatic relationship. I would like to once again express my gratitude to those who has contributed to the adoption of these resolutions. Through the joint endeavours of all us only is possible to have significant contribution to the prevention of genocides and crimes against humankind”, has said the Minister. According to the reporter, an important mission is to be carried out by the parliaments to establish contacts between societies, promote interstate relationship development. The Minister has expressed conviction that the works of the Euronest PA Session in Yerevan will have their significant contribution to the efforts aimed at this direction.

Then Richard Giragosian, Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center in Yerevan, has talked about the possible perspectives being implemented in the sphere of public changes and political reforms by the Eastern Partnership member states with the EU support for 2014-2020. Richard Giragosian has spoken about the Armenia-EU relationships, has highlighted the provision of pluralism in the RA political field and civil society role and has touched upon the RA constitutional reforms. In Richard Giragosian’s opinion, many efforts are not required for implementing serious reforms and amendments in Armenia. The rapporteur has expressed hope that the Armenian-Turkish relations will be regulated.

Arevik Saribekyan, Director of British Council Armenia Office, and the Head of the Group John Wright have talked about the programme “Support to Democratic Governence in Armenia” benefiting from the EU European Neighbourhood political instrument support. It has been noted that through the programme an attempt has been made to increase the low level of confidence towards civil society structures by the public. The objective of the programme is to bring close Armenia to the European Union, develop the democratic governance and raise the awareness of the population on the EU-Armenia relations.

Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has presented “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” project, which has been financed by the European Union, and the main directions of the project are: capability building of monitoring and public control of the civil society organizations, second: monitoring of the anti-corruption reforms of the government programme, as well as the judicial-legal reforms for 2012-2016 and the anti-corruption strategy to be adopted, third: promotion of sustainable dialogue between the civil society organizations and the Government to strengthen the anti-corruption institutional mechanisms. Karl Ulbrecht, Expert of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has talked about the creation of the independent anti-corruption agency by the support of the project. He has expressed hope that it will be possible to implement change of government policy through cooperation and dialogue between the civil society partners and the government representatives.

Then the members of the Committee discussed and exchanged opinions on the amendments to the draft report “On Engaging in a Stronger Partnership between the EU and Eastern European Partner Countries through the European Neighbourhood Instrument for 2014-2020 .”

Artak Zakaryan, Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Euronest PA, has drawn the Committee members’ attention to a number of problems before voting. He has noted that the Armenian Delegation has thoroughly studied the draft report and highlights its adoption. Artak Zakaryan has drawn the attention of the attendees to the 12th , 33rd recommendations submitted by the Azerbaijani Delegation and the 43rd recommendation jointly submitted by the Azerbaijani and EP partners, which are inadmissible for Armenia. As a result of voting, the abovementioned three recommendations have not been accepted.

The Co-Chair of the Committee presiding over the meeting Viktor Dolidze has informed that the next meeting will be held in Brussels in autumn of 2015.

The meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy ended its work.

On the same day the Meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society moderated by Co-Chairs Artak Zakaryan and George Pirinski, was held. The Committee members adopted the draft agenda, then the protocol of the meeting held in Brussels. George Pirinski has expressed regret about the Azerbaijani partners’ absence and has noted that they explain their absence by the fact of refusing their recommendations and observations.

The RA Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan in his speech has presented the Armenia-EU relations in the sphere of education. Talking about the Bologna process, Armen Ashotyan has documented that created in the EU educational territory, the process has been gone out of this territory and is implemented in non-EU countries. The Minister has thoroughly talked about the European educational programmes being implemented in Armenia. He has mentioned that despite the big wish of promoting teachers’ exchange, the pupils’ and students’ mobility, Armenia registers low results in this sphere. The reason is the financial basket, and high travel expenses. Armen Ashotyan has also touched upon the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, documenting that the right to get education should be accessible for everybody, but many young people of Nagorno Karabakh, Kosovo and other territories are deprived of the possibility of studying in Europe. The Minister of Education and Science has also stated that the education is one of the most important platforms of human contacts.

Karl Holm, Head of the FINHEEC Programme Office in Armenia, has spoken about educational programmes being implemented in Armenia and has noted that this educational programme will last two years, the budget is 1 mln euros, and the objective of the programme is to make compatible the Armenian and European educational systems. Mr Holm has also emphasized the settlement of the legislation in the sphere of the higher education, the creation and development of the qualification system.

The RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan has noted that during these years Armenia has joined those European conventions, which relate to the maintenance of the cultural heritage. According to the Minister, Armenia, being at the crossroads of the East and the West, has borne the influence of foreign cultures and it has also interacted. He has noted that the Armenian culture has been created and preserved not only in the territory of Armenia, but also beyond its borders. The Minister has talked about the registration, preservation and reconstruction of the historical immovable monuments of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Then the Representative of Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has presented the recommendations and observations related to the adoption of the report on “Cultural and Intercultural Dialogue in the Context of the Eastern Partnership.” Mrs Zdanoka has noted that the report refers to the maintenance of cultural diversity in Europe. She has presented in detail all delegations’ recommendations. Then as a result of voting of the members of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society the draft report has been adopted. At the end of the meeting two themes have been proposed for the report of the next meeting. Artak Zakaryan has proposed to submit the themes of the report to the Bureau of the Euronest PA.

A meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Energy Security on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership” has also been held. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein and the RA NA Deputy Zaruhi Postanjyan presided over the meeting. The RA Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yervand Zakharyan in his report has noted that for providing the current level of the energy security of the republic, it is binding to preserve and develop nuclear energy in Armenia, building a next generation nuclear plant, which will replace the operating nuclear power plant. He has also touched upon the problems of energy development, specifying the necessity of constructing solar and thermal power plants. According to the Minister, the process of the development of the renewable energy sources will be carried out through international donor organizations, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction Development and other international financial organizations. Yervand Zakharyan has also mentioned that according to the agreement signed in June 2014, more than 20mln USD will be directed to the financing of the construction of the solar power plant, and 3mln - to the construction of thermal pumps and solar heaters. Ara Marjanyan, Head of the Renewable Energy Project Foundation, talking about Armenia’s energy security concept, has noted that it has been constituted stemming from the crisis realities of the 90s. According to him, in future there have been achievements, which have helped to overcome the recession, the hydro-power plants have begun to operate; afterwards the nuclear power plant has been re-operated. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein, speaking about the draft project under discussion, has noted that in terms of strategy it is very important. He has proposed to carry out all the projects and initiatives, which will result in effective cooperation in the sphere. The Committee has adopted the majority of the recommendations on the draft report on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership.”

Then Richard Giragosian, Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center in Yerevan, has talked about the possible perspectives being implemented in the sphere of public changes and political reforms by the Eastern Partnership member states with the EU support for 2014-2020. Richard Giragosian has spoken about the Armenia-EU relationships, has highlighted the provision of pluralism in the RA political field and civil society role and has touched upon the RA constitutional reforms. In Richard Giragosian’s opinion, many efforts are not required for implementing serious reforms and amendments in Armenia. The rapporteur has expressed hope that the Armenian-Turkish relations will be regulated.

Arevik Saribekyan, Director of British Council Armenia Office, and the Head of the Group John Wright have talked about the programme “Support to Democratic Governence in Armenia” benefiting from the EU European Neighbourhood political instrument support. It has been noted that through the programme an attempt has been made to increase the low level of confidence towards civil society structures by the public. The objective of the programme is to bring close Armenia to the European Union, develop the democratic governance and raise the awareness of the population on the EU-Armenia relations.

Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has presented “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” project, which has been financed by the European Union, and the main directions of the project are: capability building of monitoring and public control of the civil society organizations, second: monitoring of the anti-corruption reforms of the government programme, as well as the judicial-legal reforms for 2012-2016 and the anti-corruption strategy to be adopted, third: promotion of sustainable dialogue between the civil society organizations and the Government to strengthen the anti-corruption institutional mechanisms. Karl Ulbrecht, Expert of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has talked about the creation of the independent anti-corruption agency by the support of the project. He has expressed hope that it will be possible to implement change of government policy through cooperation and dialogue between the civil society partners and the government representatives.

Then the members of the Committee discussed and exchanged opinions on the amendments to the draft report “On Engaging in a Stronger Partnership between the EU and Eastern European Partner Countries through the European Neighbourhood Instrument for 2014-2020 .”

Artak Zakaryan, Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Euronest PA, has drawn the Committee members’ attention to a number of problems before voting. He has noted that the Armenian Delegation has thoroughly studied the draft report and highlights its adoption. Artak Zakaryan has drawn the attention of the attendees to the 12th , 33rd recommendations submitted by the Azerbaijani Delegation and the 43rd recommendation jointly submitted by the Azerbaijani and EP partners, which are inadmissible for Armenia. As a result of voting, the abovementioned three recommendations have not been accepted.

The Co-Chair of the Committee presiding over the meeting Viktor Dolidze has informed that the next meeting will be held in Brussels in autumn of 2015.

The meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy ended its work.

On the same day the Meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society moderated by Co-Chairs Artak Zakaryan and George Pirinski, was held. The Committee members adopted the draft agenda, then the protocol of the meeting held in Brussels. George Pirinski has expressed regret about the Azerbaijani partners’ absence and has noted that they explain their absence by the fact of refusing their recommendations and observations.

The RA Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan in his speech has presented the Armenia-EU relations in the sphere of education. Talking about the Bologna process, Armen Ashotyan has documented that created in the EU educational territory, the process has been gone out of this territory and is implemented in non-EU countries. The Minister has thoroughly talked about the European educational programmes being implemented in Armenia. He has mentioned that despite the big wish of promoting teachers’ exchange, the pupils’ and students’ mobility, Armenia registers low results in this sphere. The reason is the financial basket, and high travel expenses. Armen Ashotyan has also touched upon the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, documenting that the right to get education should be accessible for everybody, but many young people of Nagorno Karabakh, Kosovo and other territories are deprived of the possibility of studying in Europe. The Minister of Education and Science has also stated that the education is one of the most important platforms of human contacts.

Karl Holm, Head of the FINHEEC Programme Office in Armenia, has spoken about educational programmes being implemented in Armenia and has noted that this educational programme will last two years, the budget is 1 mln euros, and the objective of the programme is to make compatible the Armenian and European educational systems. Mr Holm has also emphasized the settlement of the legislation in the sphere of the higher education, the creation and development of the qualification system.

The RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan has noted that during these years Armenia has joined those European conventions, which relate to the maintenance of the cultural heritage. According to the Minister, Armenia, being at the crossroads of the East and the West, has borne the influence of foreign cultures and it has also interacted. He has noted that the Armenian culture has been created and preserved not only in the territory of Armenia, but also beyond its borders. The Minister has talked about the registration, preservation and reconstruction of the historical immovable monuments of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Then the Representative of Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has presented the recommendations and observations related to the adoption of the report on “Cultural and Intercultural Dialogue in the Context of the Eastern Partnership.” Mrs Zdanoka has noted that the report refers to the maintenance of cultural diversity in Europe. She has presented in detail all delegations’ recommendations. Then as a result of voting of the members of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society the draft report has been adopted. At the end of the meeting two themes have been proposed for the report of the next meeting. Artak Zakaryan has proposed to submit the themes of the report to the Bureau of the Euronest PA.

A meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Energy Security on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership” has also been held. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein and the RA NA Deputy Zaruhi Postanjyan presided over the meeting. The RA Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yervand Zakharyan in his report has noted that for providing the current level of the energy security of the republic, it is binding to preserve and develop nuclear energy in Armenia, building a next generation nuclear plant, which will replace the operating nuclear power plant. He has also touched upon the problems of energy development, specifying the necessity of constructing solar and thermal power plants. According to the Minister, the process of the development of the renewable energy sources will be carried out through international donor organizations, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction Development and other international financial organizations. Yervand Zakharyan has also mentioned that according to the agreement signed in June 2014, more than 20mln USD will be directed to the financing of the construction of the solar power plant, and 3mln - to the construction of thermal pumps and solar heaters. Ara Marjanyan, Head of the Renewable Energy Project Foundation, talking about Armenia’s energy security concept, has noted that it has been constituted stemming from the crisis realities of the 90s. According to him, in future there have been achievements, which have helped to overcome the recession, the hydro-power plants have begun to operate; afterwards the nuclear power plant has been re-operated. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein, speaking about the draft project under discussion, has noted that in terms of strategy it is very important. He has proposed to carry out all the projects and initiatives, which will result in effective cooperation in the sphere. The Committee has adopted the majority of the recommendations on the draft report on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership.”

Then Richard Giragosian, Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center in Yerevan, has talked about the possible perspectives being implemented in the sphere of public changes and political reforms by the Eastern Partnership member states with the EU support for 2014-2020. Richard Giragosian has spoken about the Armenia-EU relationships, has highlighted the provision of pluralism in the RA political field and civil society role and has touched upon the RA constitutional reforms. In Richard Giragosian’s opinion, many efforts are not required for implementing serious reforms and amendments in Armenia. The rapporteur has expressed hope that the Armenian-Turkish relations will be regulated.

Arevik Saribekyan, Director of British Council Armenia Office, and the Head of the Group John Wright have talked about the programme “Support to Democratic Governence in Armenia” benefiting from the EU European Neighbourhood political instrument support. It has been noted that through the programme an attempt has been made to increase the low level of confidence towards civil society structures by the public. The objective of the programme is to bring close Armenia to the European Union, develop the democratic governance and raise the awareness of the population on the EU-Armenia relations.

Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has presented “Multi-Faceted Anti-Corruption Promotion” project, which has been financed by the European Union, and the main directions of the project are: capability building of monitoring and public control of the civil society organizations, second: monitoring of the anti-corruption reforms of the government programme, as well as the judicial-legal reforms for 2012-2016 and the anti-corruption strategy to be adopted, third: promotion of sustainable dialogue between the civil society organizations and the Government to strengthen the anti-corruption institutional mechanisms. Karl Ulbrecht, Expert of the Armenian Young Lawyers Association, has talked about the creation of the independent anti-corruption agency by the support of the project. He has expressed hope that it will be possible to implement change of government policy through cooperation and dialogue between the civil society partners and the government representatives.

Then the members of the Committee discussed and exchanged opinions on the amendments to the draft report “On Engaging in a Stronger Partnership between the EU and Eastern European Partner Countries through the European Neighbourhood Instrument for 2014-2020 .”

Artak Zakaryan, Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Euronest PA, has drawn the Committee members’ attention to a number of problems before voting. He has noted that the Armenian Delegation has thoroughly studied the draft report and highlights its adoption. Artak Zakaryan has drawn the attention of the attendees to the 12th , 33rd recommendations submitted by the Azerbaijani Delegation and the 43rd recommendation jointly submitted by the Azerbaijani and EP partners, which are inadmissible for Armenia. As a result of voting, the abovementioned three recommendations have not been accepted.

The Co-Chair of the Committee presiding over the meeting Viktor Dolidze has informed that the next meeting will be held in Brussels in autumn of 2015.

The meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy ended its work.

On the same day the Meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society moderated by Co-Chairs Artak Zakaryan and George Pirinski, was held. The Committee members adopted the draft agenda, then the protocol of the meeting held in Brussels. George Pirinski has expressed regret about the Azerbaijani partners’ absence and has noted that they explain their absence by the fact of refusing their recommendations and observations.

The RA Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan in his speech has presented the Armenia-EU relations in the sphere of education. Talking about the Bologna process, Armen Ashotyan has documented that created in the EU educational territory, the process has been gone out of this territory and is implemented in non-EU countries. The Minister has thoroughly talked about the European educational programmes being implemented in Armenia. He has mentioned that despite the big wish of promoting teachers’ exchange, the pupils’ and students’ mobility, Armenia registers low results in this sphere. The reason is the financial basket, and high travel expenses. Armen Ashotyan has also touched upon the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, documenting that the right to get education should be accessible for everybody, but many young people of Nagorno Karabakh, Kosovo and other territories are deprived of the possibility of studying in Europe. The Minister of Education and Science has also stated that the education is one of the most important platforms of human contacts.

Karl Holm, Head of the FINHEEC Programme Office in Armenia, has spoken about educational programmes being implemented in Armenia and has noted that this educational programme will last two years, the budget is 1 mln euros, and the objective of the programme is to make compatible the Armenian and European educational systems. Mr Holm has also emphasized the settlement of the legislation in the sphere of the higher education, the creation and development of the qualification system.

The RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan has noted that during these years Armenia has joined those European conventions, which relate to the maintenance of the cultural heritage. According to the Minister, Armenia, being at the crossroads of the East and the West, has borne the influence of foreign cultures and it has also interacted. He has noted that the Armenian culture has been created and preserved not only in the territory of Armenia, but also beyond its borders. The Minister has talked about the registration, preservation and reconstruction of the historical immovable monuments of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Then the Representative of Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has presented the recommendations and observations related to the adoption of the report on “Cultural and Intercultural Dialogue in the Context of the Eastern Partnership.” Mrs Zdanoka has noted that the report refers to the maintenance of cultural diversity in Europe. She has presented in detail all delegations’ recommendations. Then as a result of voting of the members of the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society the draft report has been adopted. At the end of the meeting two themes have been proposed for the report of the next meeting. Artak Zakaryan has proposed to submit the themes of the report to the Bureau of the Euronest PA.

A meeting of the Euronest PA Committee on Energy Security on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership” has also been held. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein and the RA NA Deputy Zaruhi Postanjyan presided over the meeting. The RA Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Yervand Zakharyan in his report has noted that for providing the current level of the energy security of the republic, it is binding to preserve and develop nuclear energy in Armenia, building a next generation nuclear plant, which will replace the operating nuclear power plant. He has also touched upon the problems of energy development, specifying the necessity of constructing solar and thermal power plants. According to the Minister, the process of the development of the renewable energy sources will be carried out through international donor organizations, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction Development and other international financial organizations. Yervand Zakharyan has also mentioned that according to the agreement signed in June 2014, more than 20mln USD will be directed to the financing of the construction of the solar power plant, and 3mln - to the construction of thermal pumps and solar heaters. Ara Marjanyan, Head of the Renewable Energy Project Foundation, talking about Armenia’s energy security concept, has noted that it has been constituted stemming from the crisis realities of the 90s. According to him, in future there have been achievements, which have helped to overcome the recession, the hydro-power plants have begun to operate; afterwards the nuclear power plant has been re-operated. The member of the European Parliament Knut Fleckenstein, speaking about the draft project under discussion, has noted that in terms of strategy it is very important. He has proposed to carry out all the projects and initiatives, which will result in effective cooperation in the sphere. The Committee has adopted the majority of the recommendations on the draft report on “Challenges, Potential and New Engagement in Cooperating on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources within the Eastern Partnership.”

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One main problem will be solved with proposing amendments and addenda, i.e. to establish new legal legislative functions for the Military-Industrial Committee. The RA Minister of Hi-Tech Industry Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan said this, presenting for debate the draft law On Amendments and Addenda to...

Legislative initiatives debated in second reading endorsed
At September 27 extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, a number of legislative initiatives were debated and endorsed in the second reading.The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented the draft law On Making Addendum and Amendment to th...

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those fallen in the 44-day war.They laid flowers o...