Conference of Presidents of the APF for the European Region is Held
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On March 31 in the RA National Assembly the Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF) for the European Region began its work.

At the Session the RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan delivered a welcoming speech. Addressing the participants of the Session, Mr Sahakyan has particularly noted:

Dear Head of European Region Mission,”

Dear participants of the Conference of Presidents of European Region,

Dear guests,

I welcome you in Armenia and thank you for accepting our invitation to hold the Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie for the European Region in Yerevan.

In October 2012 Armenia became the 54th full member state of La Francophonie international organization at La Francophonie Summit held in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo).

It was high time to raise the relations between the Republic of Armenia and La Francophonie to the level of parliamentary format, as a result of which the RA National Assembly was granted a full member status of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie in Ottawa in July 2014. Thus, Armenia and our parliament reaffirmed their adherence to the values of La Francophonie and the commitment of promoting their dissemination and strengthening.

Greatly highlighting the education and the dialogue between the cultures in building the territory of consolidation and tolerance, the involvement of the RA National Assembly is expressed with different events.

In particular, on 5 March 2015 within the two-month framework of La Francophonie in Armenia our parliament organized a conference on “La Francophonie: Dialogue of Cultures,” where the French speaking students took part. The conference gave a wonderful opportunity to celebrate French International Day fed from different cultures.

The organization of the conference with the participation of the French speaking students by the RA National Assembly had two goals.

Firstly, it is included in the frameworks of La Francophonie Summit held in Dakkar (Senegal) in November of the last year, and its main subject was youth as a peace vector and player for development.

Secondly, the RA National Assembly intends to support the evaluation of the role of the youth in the territory of La Francophonie: at the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie the RA NA La Francophonie section, cooperating with the RA Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Science and Education, has initiated a draft law on Young Francophone Parliament. This structure will be a wonderful platform of exchange of opinions and dialogue for the Francophone Armenian youth and will give an opportunity to get acquainted with the parliamentary activity.

In the implementation of this far-reaching programme, we also expect the practical support of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie.

Dear colleagues,

This Conference of Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie for the European Region takes place on the threshold of the important event for us, the Armenians, as well as for the whole world. On April 24, 2015 Armenia and the whole progressive mankind will mark the Armenian Genocide Centennial.

I speak about a unique event, as first time in history a Centennial of a genocide will be marked.

Just a century ago, in 1915 the Turkish Government launched terrible programme of the Armenian people’s extermination and deprivation of the motherland. The men, women, children and elderly people have fallen victims of horrors, atrocities and inhuman attitude, witnessing the exact death or the faint hope of surviving.

And today, after 100 years of the Armenian Genocide, the commemoration of the Genocide victims and its condemnation is more than pressing, as in our days too, unfortunately, the danger of repetition of genocides remains hung over the head of the mankind for one reason that the most different manifestations of hatred and intolerance on national, racist and religious basis continue persisting in the world.

The next phase of the genocide crime is to bury the genocide victims into oblivion and to deny it, especially at state level and especially by the state perpetrated the genocide.

During the past 100 years the authorities following each other in Turkey not only did not take a step in the recognition of the genocide perpetrated during the Ottoman regime, but on the contrary, invented a state fraud about the Armenian Genocide, trying to alter the historical facts at state level.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Once again I welcome you in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, wish you success in your work and express hope that you will have an opportunity to get acquainted with our ancient, but also a young country.”

The Head of the RA NA Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie Margarit Yesayan in her welcome word thanked the guests for accepting the invitation of holding the conference in Armenia, assuring that the full member status in the relations of Armenia and Francophonie opens a new page. Mrs Yesayan has expressed conviction that the Armenian Delegation has its special role in the APF. She has noted that in the National Assembly of Armenia the French speaking best traditions are shaped: French studying courses are regularly organized for the deputies and the NA employees, the NA official website is also translated into French.

The RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian in his welcome word has highlighted the holding of the conference in Yerevan and has touched upon the Armenian Genocide Centennial and the denial policy pursued by Turkey. He has emphasized the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Referring to the anti-terrorism struggle and the world challenges, the Foreign Minister has also spotlighted the struggle for the protection of human rights and the establishment of peace within the framework of Francophonie.

Welcoming the participants of the Session the Head of the European Region Mission Jean-Paul Wahl has touched upon the Armenian Genocide Centennial and the world challenges. He has attached importance to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the reestablishment of the historical justice. Mr Wahl has underlined that the future generations should know the truth in order similar crimes are never repeated.

Then the participants of the Session have been taken a photo.

Within the framework of “Francophonie in Armenia” the Director of the “Alliance Francaise d’Armenie” and the French Teachers’ Armenian Association Susan Gharamyan, the representative of La Francophonie Agency in Armenia Ruzanna Ghaltakhchyan, the student of the YSU International Faculty Ani Melkonyan, the student of Valery Brusov State Linguistic University Lusine Nalbandyan delivered speeches.

At the end of the Session a statement was adopted.

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