National Assembly Begins the Work of the Sittings
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On April 7 the National Assembly began the work of the sittings. At the beginning of the sitting the RA NA Speaker congratulated mothers and women on Maternity and Beauty Day, wishing them happiness, health, welfare and optimism.

Then the deputies welcomed the teachers and pupils from the schools of Getashen and Lernagog villages of Armavir Marz who visited the parliament within the framework of the NA “Open Doors” programme and followed the NA sitting.

After approving the agenda the deputies by voting passed the draft laws “On Amending the RA Law on the RA State Awards and Honourable Titles,” “On the RA Holidays and Remembrance Days,” “On Scientific and Research-Technical Expertise,” except the package of bills “On Amending the RA Law on Education” and “On Amending the RA Law on General Education,” and its voting was postponed until April 8.

Then the parliament continued debating the conclusion of the Ad-hoc Committee Studying the Activities of the RA Gas Supply System, which submitted the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan.

Vardan Ayvazyan answered the deputies’ questions and detailed the spheres of the study.

16 deputies were registered for expressing their viewpoints on the issue.

By Hrant Bagratyan’s assessment the Committee has done a work of descriptive nature, and the analyses are little. Mr Bagratyan has touched upon the problems existing in the sphere of gas supply.

The debate of the issue will resume at April 8 sitting of the National Assembly.

The last hour of the sittings, according to the Rules of Procedure, was allotted to the deputies’ announcements.

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