Parliamentary Hearings on the Theme “The International Experience of the Medical Specialization and the Medical Self-Specialized Activity”
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On May 7 in the Armenian-American Medical Centre the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood jointly the USAID SANAP organized parliamentary hearings on the theme “The International Experience of the Medical Specialization and the Medical Self-Specialized Activity.”

The RA NA deputies, the representatives of the RA Ministry of Healthcare, Yerevan Municipality, Governor’s Office, healthcare organizations and NGOs and medical workers took part in the hearings.

During the hearings the Committee Chairman Ara Babloyan noted that preparing medical specialists with higher professional qualification in the health care sphere is the most important precedent for rendering qualified medical services.

The RA Deputy Minister of Health Care Sergey Khachatryan highlighted the efforts aimed at the improvement of the medical services during the recent years. He has informed that the RA Health Care Ministry is ready to support this initiative, also investing the international experience.

Professor Hans-Ulrich Bucher, Head of the Chair of the Women’s and Children’s Health of the Zurich University Hospital, delegate of the post-Diploma Medical Education, presented the international experience of the medical specialization and the medical self-specialized Activity, the necessity of the involvement of the medical institutions, medical professional associations and the mechanisms of the regulation of that mechanism.

Professor Hans-Ulrich Bucher also presented the medical system of Switzerland, and noted the main medical specializations, the legal bases of the medical education and the implementation of the University education.

Professor Bucher has informed that there are separate programmes in Switzerland for every medical specialty, and doctors get credits for their knowledge during three years.

The discussion ended with Q & A session, the concerned sides presented their viewpoints.