We Should Exclude the Birth of New Taleats, New Kemals and New Hitlers: Eduard Sharmazanov
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On May 18 in Athens the Deputy Speaker of the RA National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the international conference “Triad of Genocides: Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians.” The NA Deputy Speaker delivered a speech, particularly noting:

“On March 24 the National Assembly of Armenia unanimously adopted a statement where the genocide of the Greeks and Assyrians was condemned in Ottoman Turkey. With this statement we reaffirmed our position of struggle for the recognition and condemnation of the genocide phenomenon.”

Unfortunately, instead of recognizing the genocides and shaking off the heavy burden the power of Turkey goes to the way of denial, becoming accomplice in the crime committed a century ago, occupies a part of Cyprus, illegally blockades Armenia, keeps Article 301, organizes Galipolis, trying to get into misunderstanding the international community, swaggers Pope of Rome and the leaders of the countries which recognize and condemn the genocide.

We, the representatives of three peoples, should unite our potential for the protection of human rights, restoration of historical justice and against Turkish denialism.

It is not sufficient any more to struggle only for recognition and condemnation of the genocide of the Christian peoples in Ottoman Turkey: We should reach the criminalization of the Turkish denialism. Keeping silence about genocides can generate new genocides, and the Holocaust, the genocides of Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur are the evidence of it.

At all platforms we should be united to voice about the necessity of condemnation of genocide phenomenon, we should struggle against denial policy of Turkey for excluding the birth of new envers, new taleats, new kemals and eventually new hitlers.”

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