Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the Parliaments of Armenia and Belarus Present Details on the Works of the Committee Sitting
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On July 3 in the National Assembly the press conference of the members of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the RA National Assembly and the RB National Assembly was held. The NA Deputy Speaker, the Co-Chair of the Committee Eduard Sharmazanov, members Tatshat Vardapetyan, Gagik Melikyan and Artsvik Minasyan presented details on the works of the Committee at the sitting held in Minsk recently. All the members of the press conference highly assessed the works done by the Committee in Belarus and the Armenian-Belarusian cooperation.

The Co-Chair of the Committee Eduard Sharmazanov noted that the delegation was in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus, on a three-day visit, afterwards also in Brest, there were meetings with Vladimir Andreychenko, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk, as well as the leaders of Brest State. Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that July 3 is the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus: 71 years ago the people of Belarus were liberated from fascism, on the occasion of which he has congratulated the friendly and brotherly Belarusian people. The NA Deputy Speaker informed that during the meeting with Vladimir Andreychenko they discussed issues relating to the bilateral relations. According to him, the bilateral political relations are at rather high level, what cannot be said about trade-economic relations. In his word, we should do our best for reaching them at the level of political relations. The NA Deputy Speaker also touched upon the inter-parliamentary cooperation. Hence, the parliamentary delegations of the two countries mainly effectively cooperate at different parliamentary platforms, but there were moments, when that cooperation had not completely been allied. Eduard Sharmazanov informed that during the meeting the sides referred to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, on which the Armenian side distinctly presented its position. “The Republic of Armenia is the guarantor of the security of the Artsakh people, and we are exclusively for the peaceful settlement of the problem, and the bellicose rhetoric of Azerbaijan and the efforts of solving the problem through military means are inadmissible,” Eduard Sharmazanov noted.

On July 1 in the city of Brest the delegation took part in the solemn opening of the cross-stone eternalizing the memory of the Armenian soldiers, who died for the liberation of the Brest Castle in the Great Patriotic War. According to him, the RA NA deputy Tatshat Vardapetyan and Moscow resident from Javakhk benefactor Andranik Survalyan showed their support in the opening of the cross-stone.

The next issue, on which debates were held in Belarus, by the proposal of the RA NA Deputy Tatshat Vardapetyan last year was the idea of setting up a production or a factory of the Armenian-Belarusian joint agricultural car service discussed Yerevan last year. The Belarusian side mentioned that they are ready to comprehensively discuss the issue of building such a workshop in Gyumri. Tatshat Vardapetyan has noted that due to the consistency of the Head of the Delegation the idea of creation of agricultural car workshop in Gyumri this time has risen more emphasized obligation in the friendly country. The deputy expects that not in far future it can be called into life. According to him, due to this visit, the Armenian-Belarusian political relations have reached to a higher level.

Artsvik Minasyan also highly appreciated the visit, highlighted the close cooperation of the Co-chairs of the Committee on Cooperation. He also highlighted the idea of creation such a factory in Gyumri, noting that various issues were discussed and they will be submitted to the government for solution. Mr Minasyan has assured that the economic situation of Belarus reminds that the cooperation with that country can be beneficiary for Armenia.

Gagik Melikyan also noted that during all meetings great place was attached to the Armenians’ contribution especially to the liberation of Belarus. In his word, the cross-stone installed in Brest, which is a rare obelisk, has also enjoyed high appreciation. Mr Melikyan touched upon the cooperation with Belarus and stated that it will result in bilateral efficiency and economic growth for Armenia.

The speakers answered the journalists’ questions.

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