RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan’s Address on Knowledge Day
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The RA NA President congratulatory message reads:

“Dear pupils, teachers, students, professors, parents,

I congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the launch of the new educational year.

We treat education and school as the pillar of our value system, as a powerful tool for self-organization, as a winning weapon for self-defense; a weapon, by which we have created our history with dignity and successfully passed through time periods. 

Today’s time period is not an exception with its challenges. The course led by a school teacher starts for overcoming them by obtaining knowledge, civic consciousness, national dignity, learning the alphabet of loving the Motherland; a lesson, which gets its fundamental and fixed shape already in higher educational environment, in military service, during work activity. It is in the domestic warmth of the school that we set up the knowledge, which serves each of us as a trump through the whole life, leading the way, opening doors, taking us to the top. By the further success and effective use of this trump is conditioned man’s destiny, state’s and society’s tomorrow, it is by its practical support that the pages of country’s and people’s history is written.

Our specific wealth is comprehensive and in many cases unsurpassed history of the national school, the image of selfless and self-sacrificing teacher, who has given birth to the courageous soldier as the defender of the Motherland; of scientist, who gains credits for the Homeland; of the diplomat, who protects national interests, and of cultivator, due to whom the Homeland soil thrives. It is not only the past, which awards us pride, but also the present, which continues the legacy left for us, and the future, which has firm bases of hope, that are in the hands of a pupil and teacher, student and professor, kindergarten teacher and her student, and each of us.

Each beginning of a new educational year means entrance of a new generation to the educational institutions; and especially for the first class pupils and first course students it means entrance to a new world and new environment. I want to congratulate especially them and the teachers conducting the first lesson for them, wishing a bright way like the Day’s symbol, full of new achievements.

Let peace, success and optimism lead you all, ensuring welfare and happy life in the more secure and developed Motherland of Armenia.”

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