RA NA Extraordinary Sitting is Convened
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By the decision of the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan, according to the Article 70 of the RA Constitution, at the initiative of the deputies of the National Assembly on September 18 at 11:00 an extraordinary sitting of the RA National Assembly was convened, having on the agenda the item On Passing the Draft Decision of the National Assembly on Giving Consent of Putting on Referendum the Draft of the RA Constitutional Amendments initiated by the RA President.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan has informed that on September 19 at 18:00 on the territory of the National Assembly the tournament “Independent Generation, Healthy Generation” bicycle race dedicated to the 24th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia will take place and invited all the citizens to take part in the event.

Afterwards the deputies approved by voting the NA draft decision on the special procedure of holding of the extraordinary sitting convened on September 18, by which it is proposed to continue the works of the extraordinary sitting before the exhaustion of the agenda item, establishing the duration of each interval half an hour.

The NA deputies continued to deliver speeches on the Draft Constitutional Amendments.

In Hovhannes Margaryan’s opinion, the solution of the problems by the constitutional amendment is not justified in the existing social-economic situation. In his word, the Rule of Law Faction submitted a number of recommendations, in case of their adoption the transition to the parliamentary system of government will only be justified.

The NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan gave an extraordinary speech on the constitutional reforms. In his word, the constitutional reforms are not of necessity neither for the power, for the ruling political force, nor for any other party. According to the NA Speaker, they are of vital necessity for the future of the country’s society and the political forces and it’s not at all for tomorrow or for another day, as often some politicians or permanent clients of the press clubs claim for pleasing the crowd. By Galust Sahakyan’s observation, the Constitutional Amendments pursue very distinct and concrete goals: continue the establishment of the effective structure of the state government based on the sustainable democratic system, separation and balancing of power in Armenia, as well as provide constitutional bases for passing to the parliamentary system of government. Naira Karapetyan touched upon the wrong opinion that as if in the Draft Constitutional Amendments the marriage of the homosexuals is encouraged. The deputy once again has noted that by the draft the marriage only between man and woman can be signed which is under the care of the state. The deputy has qualified this as a deliberate step for opposing the Constitution.

Khosrov Harutyunyan talked about a number of conceptual problems. In his word, the Draft Constitution creates guarantees for the democratization of the public life. To his observation, for a country that has no natural resources, the democracy and freedom are unreservedly invaluable resources. Araik Hovhannisyan has deemed natural the hot debates over the constitutional reforms, which according to him, has resulted in new ideas and recommendations. In his opinion, the Constitutional Amendments are especially important by the expansion of the citizens’ involvement in the progress of the government of the country. Ishkhan Khachatryan has noted that today he does not see the need of constitutional amendments. According to the deputy, in conditions of the external and internal challenges facing our country there is no need for the amendment of the government model. In her extraordinary speech the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan has considered natural the hot debates going on over the constitutional reforms, as the matter of debate, according to the NA Deputy Speaker, is the bedrock of the state, which the remaining laws stem from. In her word, the constitutional reforms is not merely a legal process, but a legal-political one, as the system of values and the political strategic goals of the state are formed. The debate of the Draft Constitutional Amendments, according to the NA Deputy Speaker, has been established, as dozens of ideological speeches, recommendations which have differentiated the Draft, were in place. By the observation of the NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan, democracy, pluralism, political freedoms in Armenia are on firm basis, and the consolidation of the political forces has been established. The deputy Karine Atshemyan submitted proposals in the articles especially concerning the education, culture and healthcare. The MP is for the parliamentary system of government, noticing that in that case the National Assembly will be more active, and the responsibility will increase more. In Hayk Babukhanyan’s word, in all systems there are shortcomings, difficulties, and there is a need for reforms in the system. He has touched upon the colleagues’ critical interpellations and clarified his viewpoint, according to which, the current Constitution has some shortcomings and it is necessary to improve it. Artashes Geghamyan also in his speech has touched upon his colleagues’ interpellations and gave clarifications. To his assessment, the Constitutional Amendments in Armenia will essentially improve the democracy. By Vahram Mkrtchyan’s observation, as a result of constitutional reforms, we’ll have qualitatively new Armenia: citizens living more protected and with dignity, independent and unbiased courts. Mher Shahgledyan has informed that from the beginning the Rule of Law Faction has not deemed expedient to make amendments, however, stemming from the reality, takes part in the debates and submits its recommendations and viewpoints. Tevan Poghosyan has talked about the electoral processes occurred in the republic, noting that as a result of that the people’s faith towards elections have been lost. In his opinion, the functioning laws do not impede the fulfilment of the goals which we wish to bring into life as a result of constitutional amendments. Levon Martirosyan highly assessed the work done by the Special Commission, touched upon the activities of the political parties and the problem of reproduction, considering it a normal and acceptable goal. Zaruhi Postanjyan criticized the policy pursued by the authorities and opined that the authorities’ goal is exclusively to be reproduced. She talked about the RA foreign debt, emigration, the far-reaching goals of the power in initiating constitutional reforms, etc. Samvel Farmanyan believes that as a result of constitutional amendments the democratization processes will become irreversible in Armenia, and passing into parliamentary system of government will promote the establishment of the party system. Alexander Arzumanyan has noted that the implementation of the constitutional amendments is drawn prior place in the pre-electoral programme provisions of the Heritage party. Margarit Yesayan has deemed necessary the constitutional amendments and the improvement of the Constitution, passing into the parliamentary system of government, the formation of the Parliamentary Investigative Committee, etc. Rubik Hakobyan has noted that he has submitted his recommendations on the draft and wishes that Armenia has better Constitution. The deputy urged the authorities to ensure holding transparent and fair referendum. In Gagik Minasyan’s opinion, the functions of oversight by the parliament increase, and as a result of amendment of the government system it becomes possible to eliminate the monopoly.

Zaruhi Postanjyan has presented the viewpoint of the Heritage Faction and informed that the party is against the constitutional amendments initiated by the RA President. Mrs Postanjyan has expressed conviction that the constitutional amendments are not pressing for the country, but the transformation of the power and the extraordinary presidential and parliamentary elections are. The Heritage Faction will vote against the draft law.

Presenting the view of the Rule of Law Faction, Hovhannes Margaryan has noted that the constitutional amendments are of importance for any country, including the RA. But at this moment, according to the deputy, there is no political and public demand of amending the Constitution. According to Hovhannes Margaryan, the submitted draft law contradicts the concept of the constitutional amendments. The deputy has urged to organize parliamentary hearings and debates. Hovhannes Margaryan introduced the recommendations and concerns of the faction on the draft, and after that the Faction will express its final position.

The Head of the ARF Faction Armen Rustamyan presented the viewpoint of the Faction. First, he thanked the Specialized Group for doing a large amount of work, then he has noted the Faction has worked with the Committee, and as a result, their main recommendations were included. The deputy touched the advantages which are proposed by the draft. According to the Head of the Faction, higher democracy in all its types is provided. The ARF Faction is for the draft law.

The Head of the ANC Faction Levon Zurabyan, talking about the security problems, has expressed conviction that the amendment of the government system under proposal is not adequate to the dangers against the security of the country. The deputy has proposed instead of amending the Constitution for the recovery of the country to resign, immediately opening the door of the Constitution to democracy. The deputy called on the people “to say no” to the draft.

Mikayel Melkumyan presented the viewpoint of the PAP Faction, first responding to the criticism directed to the address of the PAP, saying that two years ago the PAP Faction began political consultations over the constitutional amendments and the position of the PAP had not been changed. According to Mikayel Melkumyan, there are no super-perfect documents in our life, the faction will vote for it.

The Head of the RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan considered unprecedented the debates in the parliament. He welcomed all the parliamentary factions for actively taking part in the debates. The Head of the Faction referred to some speeches and gave political assessments. He informed that the RPA will vote for it.

In his final speech Hovhannes Sahakyan underlined that all the speakers documented the fact of doing a large amount of work by the Specialized Commission. The deputy has noted that systemized changes are possible to make only through Constitutional Amendments. Hovhannes Sahakyan thanked Vardan Poghosyan for thoroughly answering the deputies’ more than 100 questions and commenting on the provisions of the draft law. He expressed confidence that the further work will be substantial.

The member of the Specialized Commission on the Constitutional Amendments adjunct to the RA President Vardan Poghosyan gave a final speech. He thanked the parliament for the debates of high concern, noting that the recommendations voiced by the deputies and factions pursued one goal, to see the Draft Constitutional Amendments more improved, to have a Constitution, which will serve for a long time and there will be no need to undertake amendments again. Vardan Poghosyan also touched upon the voiced interpellations and claims during the four-day sittings and gave clarifications. The key speaker urged the MPs to submit recommendations if there were any to the Specialized Commission and in case of their admissibility, include in the draft law. Vardan Poghosyan proposed the parliament to organize the voting of the draft law during the next four-day sittings, in accordance with the RA Law “NA Rules of Procedure.”

Exhausting the agenda, the parliament ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...