At the Sittings of the NA Standing Committees
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On September 29 the NA two Standing Committees convened sittings.

At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs moderated by Koryun Nahapetyan the debate of the bill authored by the NA deputy Nikol Pashinyan “On Amending the RA Law on the Peculiarities of the Administrative Proceeding Being Implemented on the Cases of the Breaches of Road Traffic Rules Discovered by Video or Photo Equipment” was postponed up to one year.

By Koryun Nahapetyan’s proposal the RA First Deputy Minister of Justice Arsen Mkrtchyan submitted comprehensive information on the elaboration of the new code “On Administrative Infringements” and on the work being done in the government in relation to the new approaches envisaging administrative responsibility for the breaches of the traffic rules.

Afterwards the Committee debated in closed procedure the cases of violation of the ceasefire regime on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and on the line of conflict of the Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflicting troops.

The NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Gagik Minasyan debated the framework agreement “On Providing Privileged Credit by the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Armenia” signed between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing on March 25, 2015. According to the key reporter, the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Vakhtang Mirumyan, the agreement designs that the Export-Import Bank of China provides credit worth 156mln Chinese Yuan to the RA Ministry of Finance with 20 years of covering to implement the programme of Modernizing the Customs Administration, Technologies and Equipment of Armenia. As a result of the programme, it is designed to reduce the expenditures of business and working time. Let us note that the credit will be received in the form of equipment.

The debated agreement with the endorsement of the Committee will be submitted for the ratification of the parliament.

The Committee studied the two current reports of the RA Control Chamber by the presentation of the NA deputy Sukias Avetisyan.

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